
zhǎo qì
  • biogas;gas;methane;marsh gas;fire-damp
沼气 [zhǎo qì]
  • [marsh gas;methane] 由湖沼地内植物腐烂形成的可燃气体,主要由甲烷组成。也能用人工制造,用作燃料和化工原料

沼气[zhǎo qì]
  1. 废物腐烂时会产生沼气。

    As the waste materials decompose , they produce methane gas .

  2. 周围的矿井里的确有沼气聚积。

    Methane gas does collect in the mines around here .

  3. 该项目由现代化养猪场,现代化养鹅场,以及沼气发电厂组成

    The project is consisted of a modern hoggery , goose house and methane plant .

  4. 沼气工程中的CO2脱除和回收利用研究

    Studies on Removal of CO_2 and H_2S from Biogas and Thier Recovery

  5. 沼气池供给CO2及部分能量;

    Methane pool provided CO 2 and part energy source .

  6. K3石灰岩中的沼气可能有三个来源,即:来自该岩层上、下方的邻近煤层;

    Methane in K_3 probably came from three sources : 1 . from adjacent coal seams above or beneath K_3 ;

  7. 畜禽养殖场沼气工程的温室气体减排效益及利用清洁发展机制(CDM)的影响分析

    Greenhouse gas mitigation benefits of bio gas project in livestock farms

  8. 沼气酦酵液中C2-C6游离脂肪酸的气体色谱测定

    Gas Chromatographic Determination of C_2-C_ Aliphatic Acids in Bio - Gas Fermentation Liquids

  9. 检查仪器仪表组电路板。MSA型沼气检定仪

    Inspect the instrument cluster circuit boar MSA methanometer

  10. 在实验中,沼气中H2S去除率随空气进气速率的增大而增大。

    In the experiments , H2S removal rate was increased with the increase of air feed rate .

  11. 结果表明,在料液TS浓度为8.65%时,羊粪发酵产沼气潜力为214.47ml/g。

    The result shows that the potential of biogas production is 214.47 mL / gTS when its TS of fermentative materials is 8.65 % .

  12. 结果表明,添加尼龙纤维和聚丙烯载体显著提高牛粪厌氧发酵的沼气产量(P<0.05)和总COD去除率(P<0.05),玻璃纤维对沼气产量和总COD去除率的影响未达到显著水平。

    The results showed that nylon fiber and polypropylene net ball significantly enhanced ( P < 0.05 ) the biogas production and COD removal rate , but fiberglass did not .

  13. 由沼气发动机驱动的热泵(BHP)除能够保证一般热泵功能外,还能够充分回收利用沼气发动机的余热。

    Biogas engine-driven heat pump ( BHP ) not only has the same functions of compression heat pump , but also can utilize the waste heat recovery from biogas engine .

  14. 研究小型暗河式沼气池以猪粪和青草为发酵原料,在适当pH值、总固体含量和碳氮比的条件下,沼气产量和单位池容产气率与温度之间的关系。

    The study was carried out with pig manure and green grass as fermented raw materials , under the condition of proper pH value , total solid content and C / N ratio to find out the relationship between the methane yield and temperature .

  15. 本文阐述了以固定化微生物(IGM)作载体,以沼气作为载体提升动力的气提式厌氧流化床(GL-AFB)处理高浓度有机废水的宏观动力学。

    This paper describes the macrokinetics of treating high concentration organic wastewater by GL & AFB , in which IGM is used as a carrier and the methane is used as the lift power .

  16. 湖河池底的污泥发酵产生大量的沼气和有害的H2S、NH3等气体,不停地释放到空气中污染环境。

    The mud at the bottom of lakes , rivers and ponds can ferment Zymosis gas , H2S , NH3 and so on . They are constantly discharging gases that pollute environments .

  17. 当实验中空气供给速率为2.50ml/min时,沼气H2S去除率能稳定维持在100%。

    At a rate of 2.50ml/min air feed , the removal efficiency of H2S in biogas were stable at 100 % all the time .

  18. 利用化学动力学及流体力学原理,建立了沼气爆炸状态参数计算模型,用于计算在巷道内沼气爆燃向爆轰转变过程(DDT)中,系统温度和连锁反应自由基的变化情况。

    Based on principle of chemical kinetics and aerodynamics , a simplified mathematical model for methane explosion is established . Change of system temperature and midterm factors are studied in the transition process from deflagration to detonation .

  19. 沼气池粪样年均寄生虫卵沉降率为99.6%,灭活率为99.8%,血吸虫卵在沼液中15d后不能孵出毛蚴;

    The faecal parasite eggs can be reduced by 99 . 8 % . No miracidium hatching of schistosome eggs was found in 15 days of retention in biogas tanks .

  20. 而加碱时产沼气潜力为568.66mL/gTS,597.84mL/gVS,甲烷含量52.96%。

    Whereas biogas yield of pineapple peel with alkali is 568.66mL/gTS or 597.84mL/gVS with methane content of 52.96 % .

  21. 本文以废弃西瓜皮作为发酵原料,采用批量发酵工艺,进行了西瓜皮厌氧发酵产沼气潜力的实验研究,结果表明,西瓜皮厌氧发酵产沼气的潜力为669ml/g·TS或800ml/g·VS。

    This paper studies on the biogas production yield of watermelon skin , which uses the watermelon skin as biogas fermentative material by batch fermentation . The result is that the biogas production yield of watermelon skin is 669ml / g · TS and 800ml / g · VS.

  22. 结果表明,沼气工程改造前期,填埋区内新鲜垃圾年填埋高度为2m时,H2S质量浓度随季度变化显著,其浓度峰值出现在第三季度9月,可达179.1mg/m~3;

    The result shows that during the pre-period , when a fresh filled municipal garbage reaches 2m , H2S quantity density changed greatly in different quarters , and its peak density of H2S appearing in September , the third quarter , is 179.1mg / m3 ;

  23. Ramanathan正在印度进行一项研究,审视沼气工厂的性价比并鼓励在村庄中利用太阳能炊具而不是燃烧生物质。

    Ramanathan is undertaking a study in India to look at the cost-effectiveness of biogas plants and encouraging the use of solar cookers instead of burning biomass in villages .

  24. 本研究中从广西壮族自治区隆安县一沼气池内筛选到一株能以甲醇为唯一碳源生长的甲基营养型细菌MB200。

    A strain that can grow with methanol as the sole source of carbon , MB200 , was isolated from the soil samples at a digester of Longan GuangXi .

  25. 吉安市农村沼气建设的发展模式

    A Model of The Development of Rural Methane in Jian City

  26. 保山市农村能源现状与沼气发展研究

    The Findings Report of Rural Energy and Biogas Development in Baoshan

  27. 四川省宁南县沼气开发利用

    Development and utilization of biogas in Ningnan county , Sichuan Province

  28. 沼气池管护中常见问题及处理措施

    Common Problems and Its Handling Measures in Maintenance of Firedamp Pools

  29. 中国户用沼气技术转化制约因素分析及对策

    Restricting Factors and Countermeasures in the Process of Domestic Biogas Realization

  30. 奶牛养殖场粪污处理沼气工程技术与模式

    Biogas Engineering Technology and Modes for the Treatment of Dairy Manure