
zhǎo zé tǔ
  • Swampy soil;boggy soil
沼泽土[zhǎo zé tǔ]
  1. 不同氮输入梯度下草甸沼泽土反硝化损失和N2O排放

    Denitrification Loss and N_2O Emissions from Different Nitrogen Inputs in Meadow Marsh Soil

  2. 泥炭沼泽土各土层速效P和速效K含量在植物生长季节内均呈明显的动态变化,一元三次非线性回归模拟均得到理想的模拟效果。

    The readily available P and readily available K concentrations of each soil layer displayed an obviously dynamic variation during the plant growth season . Their one-factor thrice non-linear regression simulations performed ideally .

  3. 从土壤类型对水体中Atrazine含量的影响看,低位泥炭土的综合表征指数较高,泥炭沼泽土和水稻土的综合表征指数较小;

    With respect to the effect of soil on the atrazine in the water , the integrated token index of the low moor peat soil is the largest and the peat moor soil and the paddy soil are the lest .

  4. 大围山土壤分布自下而上依次为山地红壤、山地黄壤、山地黄棕壤和山地灌丛草甸土,在海拔1100m以上的山间盆地和凹地间有草甸、沼泽土分布。

    Soil distribution from the foot to the top were : mountain red soil , mountain yellow soil , mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain meadow soil . Above the 1100 m of absolute altitude of the intermountain basin is bog soil .

  5. 焦磷酸钠法从沼泽土中提取腐殖酸的实验研究

    Research on Extractant of Humic Acid from Swampy Soil By Pyrophosphoric Acid

  6. 从中甸沼泽土中提取了腐殖酸样品,并对样品的性质进行了测定。

    Humic acid was extracted from Swampy soil in Zhongdian on Yunnan .

  7. 云南沼泽土中提取腐殖酸的研究

    Extracting of Humic Acid from Swampy Soil by Dilute Base

  8. 沼泽土腐殖酸对亚甲基蓝的吸附脱色研究

    Study on the adsorption of methylene blue by humic acid from Swampy Soil

  9. 洪湖沼泽土子莲播种密度试验

    Test on sowing density of seedy lotus in swamp soil zone of Honghu lake

  10. 翻盖埋藏沼泽土对粉质砂壤土水分运行的影响

    Effect of the " dark-earth " mulch on the water movement in silt sandy loam

  11. 沼泽土施硒对黑麦草生长、品质及生理活性的影响

    Effects of Selenium on Growth , Quality and Physiologic Activities of Rye Crass on Bog Soil

  12. 草甸沼泽土表层温度梯度最大,其他层次的温度梯度很小。

    The surface temperature gradient of Meadows swamp soil is larger than those of other layers .

  13. 结果表明:各类土壤剖面硒平均含量差异显著,以沼泽土最高(0296mg/kg),黑毡土最低(068mg/kg);

    The result showed that the content of Se was significant difference in different type of soil .

  14. 洪湖沼泽土及涝洼水稻土水生作物开发研究

    Study on developing aquatic plants in swamp soil and gleying and swamping paddy soil of Honghu Lake Region

  15. 若尔盖高原沼泽土和草甸风沙土细菌遗传多样性和系统发育研究

    Genetic Diversity of the Bacteria Isolated from Swamp and Meadow Aeolian Soils in Zoige , Sichuan , China

  16. 塔里木盆地北部的水成土壤有草甸土、沼泽土、棕漠林土。

    There are meadow soil 、 bog soil 、 brown desert forest soil in the north of Tarim basim .

  17. 土壤全磷含量高低表现为:沼泽土黑土草甸黑土森林棕壤土。

    The level of soil total phosphorus content as follows : marsh soil Soil meadow black soil forest brown soil .

  18. 其主要土壤类型为山地黄棕壤和石灰土及局部的山地沼泽土。

    The main soil types are mountain yellow-brown earth and limestone soil , and mountain marshy soils in localized areas .

  19. 泥炭沼泽土冻结过程中,下部土壤的温度梯度较草甸沼泽土大。

    In frozen-thaw process of peat mire soil , the temperature gradient of lower soil is larger than meadow marsh soil .

  20. 主要土壤有水稻土、冲积土和滨海盐渍沼泽土(海涂土壤)等三个土类。

    The three major soil types in this region are the paddy soil , the alluvial soil , and the salt swamp soil .

  21. 融化过程中,由于泥炭沼泽土渗透性较草甸沼泽土低,土壤化通后,其表层能滞留更多的水分。

    In melting process , more water is blocked in upper layer because peat mire soil permeability is lower than meadow marsh soil .

  22. 利用2种不同方法从云南中甸沼泽土中提取的腐殖酸,对亚甲蓝溶液进行了吸附性能研究。

    The adsorptive property of methylene blue by humic acid which was extracted by two different methods from swampy soil in Zhongdian of Yunnan was studied .

  23. 选择草甸沼泽土和暗棕色森林土2种类型的酸性土壤,土壤施入S后栽培美登越桔。

    Dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil were selected and " Blomidon " blueberry was cultured in put with soil ─ s application .

  24. 本文研究广东省两种不同起源(玄武岩发育的砖红壤和滨海沼泽土)水稻土的发育特征及其分类问题。

    The paper deals with the developmental characteristics and classification of two types of paddy soils originated from basalt-derived latosol and coastal marsh respectively in Guangdong province .

  25. 这一性质有利于湿地水分的维持。(5)冻结过程中,泥炭沼泽土表层聚集的水分更多。

    This properties is good for wetland to keep moisture . ( 5 ) In freezing process , more water gathered in surface of peat mire soil .

  26. 整个冻融过程中,草甸沼泽土的含水率增加的峰值出现在冻结后,而泥炭沼泽土的峰值出现在融化后。

    The whole freeze-thaw process , the peak of moisture content of meadow happened after soil freeze , while the peak of peat mire soil happened after thawed .

  27. 在山地黄壤和山地黄棕壤的分布地带内,尚有石灰土及低洼地的山地沼泽土和水稻土。

    In the area distributed with mountain yellow carth and mountain yellow-brown earth , there is limestone soil , and mountain marshy soils and paddy soils in smaller depressions .

  28. 四个土类间土壤动物的相似程度均较高,大多为中等相似,只有沼泽土和草甸土为极相似。

    Between the four soil types the degree of similarity of soil animals were higher , mostly middle-similar , only the marsh soil and meadow soil is very similar .

  29. 研究结果表明,草甸沼泽土中水溶性有机物含量最高,沉积物中含量最低。

    The highest content of soluble organic compounds was detected in soil sample collected from riverside wetland and the content of bottom sediment is the lowest among all samples studied .

  30. 结果表明,在若尔盖高原湿地生态恢复过程中,土壤类型发生相应的生态演替,其恢复演替序列为风沙土→草甸土→沼泽土→泥炭土。

    The results indicated that there was an ecological succession of wetland soil types and its restoration successive series followed the order of aeolian sandy soil , meadow , bog soil and then peat soil .