
yóu jiǎo
  • foots;residue
油脚[yóu jiǎo]
  1. 得到的最佳工艺条件为:水解温度190℃,水解时间12h,水与油脚-皂脚体积比3∶1,黑脚醇解-皂解时间8h。

    Hydrolysis time , 12h ; volume ratio of water and oil foots soap foots , 3 ∶ 1 ; alcoholysis saponification time of hydrolysis foots , 8h .

  2. 从油脚中提取粉状大豆磷脂的工艺试验

    Process Testing of Powder Soybean Phosphatides Prepared from Soybean Oil Foots

  3. 菜籽油脚中天然VE和脂肪油的超临界CO2萃取分离及其GC-MS分析

    Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Extraction of Natural VE and Fatty Oil from the Oil Foot of Brassica campestris and GC-MS Analysis

  4. 本试验用人工瘤胃技术研究了皂化菜籽油脚对体外发酵总产气量、甲烷产量、二氧化碳产量及pH的影响。

    The effect of saponified rapeseed oil residue on in vitro total gas production , CO 2 production and CH 4 production were studied with short term rumen simulation technique .

  5. 利用发酵得到的磷脂酶A2水解油脚,进行了酶改性研究。

    During the enzyme modification research , the enzyme from the fomentation was used to hydrolyze oil residual .

  6. 本试验在水相体系中,探讨磷脂酶A1对大豆浓缩磷脂、大豆水化油脚及粉末大豆磷脂进行水解的可行性。

    Preparation of lysophospholipids by phospholipase A1-catalyzed hydrolysis of Soybean powder phosphatide , soybean phospholipids and soybean oil sediment were studied in aqueous phase respectively .

  7. 用高效液相色谱(HPLC)对水解前后原料和产品进行了分析,知最佳条件下磷脂酶A1水解水化油脚的水解率为90.2%。

    After analyzed the main components of raw material and the final by the high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ), the hydrolysis rate of soy hydrated gum by phospholipase A1 was 90.2 % at the optimal parameters .

  8. 发现油脚脂肪酸中杂质有两种,其比移值分别为Rf=0.95和Rf=0.在油脚脂肪酸进一步加工中颜色变黑暗色的主要因素是Rf=0.95的杂质。

    Two kinds of impurities were found in the fatty acids , R f value of which are 0.95 and 0 respectively . It is found that the former gives rise to darkening mainly in processing of fatty acids extracted from the residue .

  9. 用油脚脂肪酸制取粘胶短纤油剂浅谈短纤油剂

    Extracting Viscose Staple Fibre Oil Solution With Oil Footings Fatty Acid

  10. 油脚中粉末磷脂的提取及质量比较

    Quality Comparison and Extraction of Powdered Soybean Phospholipid from Hydrated Oil Footings

  11. 大豆磷脂产品质量控制(Ⅲ)&水化油脚浓缩脱水对磷脂质量的影响

    Quality Control of Soybean Phosphatide (ⅲ) & Effect of Dewatering stock after Degumming

  12. 蓝桉叶油脚油中植物精油的研究

    The Study on Essential Oil Extracted from Residue of Eucalyptus Globules Leaf Oil

  13. 利用不经提纯的棉籽油脚为原料,合成出棉籽油脚单乙醇胺磺基琥珀酸单酯盐。

    The disoium cottonseed wasted-oil monoethanolamine sulfosuccinate was synthesized from natural cottonseed wasted-oil .

  14. 磷脂酶A2水解菜籽油脚的研究

    Hydrolysis of rapeseed oil sediment by phospholipase A_2

  15. 菜籽油油脚-皂脚复合裂解清洁工艺研究

    Studies on Cleaner Process of Compound Splitting to Pape Oil Foots - Soap Foots

  16. 陕北石油秩序菜籽油脚中磷脂的研究

    Studies on the Phospholipid of Rape Oil Residue

  17. 仔猪饲粮添加大豆油脚试验

    Adding soybean oil residue to diet of piglets

  18. 水溶剂法提取蓝桉叶油脚油中的精油

    Extraction Essential Oil from the Residue of Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil by Water Solvent Distillation

  19. 超声波对大豆水化油脚-磷脂酶A2反应体系的影响

    Effect of ultrasonic on the enzymatic modification reaction of soybean oil sediment by phosphatase A_2

  20. 菜籽油油脚制备生物柴油

    Biodiesel Oil Preparation from Rape Oil Foots

  21. 探讨了有机溶剂革取油脚中的中性油的机理.萃取实验结果表明;

    The mechanism of extracting oil from foot oil by use of organic solvent is discussed .

  22. 菜籽油脚与花生油脚改性为铸造用粘结剂研究

    A study of the Binder for Casting by the Modification of Rape Seed Oil and Peanut Oil residuals

  23. 采用硅胶为固定相,石油醚、乙酸乙酯、乙酸为流动相的薄层层析和柱层析的方法,对油脚脂肪酸中的杂质进行了分析研究。

    Using thin layer chromatography and column chromatography , the impurities of fatty acids extracted from soybean oil residue are studied .

  24. 研究建立了以新疆本地资源胡麻油脚制得的粉末磷脂为原料提纯卵磷脂的方法。

    A method of refining the flax lecithin from the phosphatide powder which was extracted from Xinjiang flax oil molasses was established .

  25. 从菜籽油水化油脚中提取磷脂,不仅是资源的利用,而且产品可以替代进口,满足市场需求。

    Distilling edible phospholipids from hydrated rap oil can not only make full use of resources but also can substitute import of product .

  26. 提取时第一次油脚:丙酮=3∶1,第2&6次原料:丙酮=1∶1。

    The rate of oil footings and acetone was 3:1 in the first extraction , while that was 1:1 in the 2nd-6th extraction .

  27. 以菜子油油脚为原料制取植物脂肪酸甲酯,考察了该脂肪酸甲酯作为柴油替代燃料在性能方面与柴油的差别;

    The differences between diesel oil and the vegetable fatty acid methyl ester that was prepared from the residue of rape oil were studied .

  28. 通过对菜籽毛油、菜籽油脚及菜籽脱臭馏出物中主要成分分析,得到菜籽毛油的水分0。

    By analysis the main component of rapeseed crude oil , rapeseed oil residue and rapeseed deodorizer distillate , Rapeseed crude oil to be0 .

  29. 以豆油水化油脚生产的浓缩大豆磷脂为原料,在实验室小试基础上,用丙酮萃取法制取高纯度的粉末大豆磷脂。

    Powered soybean lecithin of great purity is extracted by lecithin solvent fromconcentrated soybean lecithin produced from hydrated oil foot on a laboratory scale .

  30. 油脂水化是油脂精炼的一个主要环节,对水化产物&油脚的分析是认识其本质的另一有效途径。

    Crude oil degumming is a key link of oil refining , analysing degumming products-Water-degummed lecithin is another effective way to know degumming essence .