
  1. 用这4株菌的发酵液进行了油泥处理实验,72h后石油去除率平均达70%以上。

    The degreasing rate of oil and mud treatment could reached at 70 % averagely or even more by the fermentative liquids of the 4 isolates .

  2. 油母页岩干馏生产过程中的油泥处理

    Oil Sludge Treatment in Oil Shale Retorting Process

  3. 这些油泥难处理、不易分解、且对周围环境造成严重污染。

    Such sludge is not only difficult to deal with or break down but also cause serious pollution to circumjacent environment .

  4. 在油泥砂处理初期加入化学表面活性剂,可以促进细菌的生长,缩短处理时间,对最终处理效果没有根本影响。

    Adding chemical surfactant agent into oily sludge in the initial stage of treatment can promote the growth of bacteria and reduce the treating time , which has no effect on the final treatment effectiveness .

  5. 微生物对储油罐底油泥无公害处理初步研究

    Study on Pollution-free Treatment of Oily Sludge from Tank Bottom by Microorganisms

  6. 湛江电厂3号机旁路高压抗燃油凝胶状油泥分析及处理

    Analysis and treatment of gelatinous sludge produced from high pressure fireresistant oil in bypass of steam turbine No.3 at Zhanjiang Power Plant

  7. 离心脱水机对油泥、浮渣工业处理的探讨

    Probing into Application of Centrifugal Dewaterer to Commercial Treatment of Oil-bearing Sludge Scum

  8. 油泥(砂)处理和综合利用技术研究

    Study on sludge treatment technics and comprehensive utilization

  9. 可以预测,开展油泥(沙)处理及回收利用可获得巨大的经济效益和环境效益。

    It is anticipated that the development of oily mud / sand processing , reclaiming and utilizing will make enormous economic and environment benefit .

  10. 通过对国内外油泥(砂)处理技术的对比分析,结合对胜利油田油泥(砂)治理技术的研究,找出一条适应国情的油田油泥(砂)处理工艺技术。

    Comparing domestic sludge treatment technics with foreign ones , we have studied sludge treatment technics of Shengli Oilfield and found an appropriate way to Chinese situation .

  11. 根据油泥和煤样性质,采用将油泥分散处理与高浓度水煤浆混掺的设计方案,研究了制备的油煤水浆的成浆性。

    According to the properties of oil and coal , adopt the design proposal that mixing the scattered processing sludge and high concentration coal-water slurry , studied the coal-oil-water slurry preparation into slurry ability .