- river valley

[river valley] 河流两岸之间低于地平面的部分,包括河床两边的坡地
The river valley is intensively cropped .
We pitched camp in a river valley .
The river flooded the valley .
Please enclose your remittance , making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology .
They went canoeing in the wilds of Canada .
In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United states , both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable .
Adapted from a gothic novel by Elizabeth Brundage , Things Heard and Seen stars Amanda Seyfried as an artist who moves from Manhattan to rural Hudson Valley with her husband , James Norton , but soon fears that her new house is cursed .
Study on in-situ stress measurement in V-shaped River Valley
Research on ground stress field in V-shaped river valleys
The formation of the estuary can be divided into fourstages : ( 1 ) last glaciation ( 2000-15000a B.P. )
Then they found they were recruiting people from companies based in the Thames Valley .
The test results manifest that the calculated valley underground runoff by the K value obtained from the above stated two methods appear to very close .
The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .
Alkali solution N , available K , total salt caused greatest impact of soil fertility of 3 major forest types in Fuhai valley forest , and available P , the conductivity was relatively small .
It also confirms the growing market power of a few big mining companies , including BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto PLC and Vale .
The deposit is a MVT - type deposit .
Taking a riverside well field in Luanhe River valley , the thesis used groundwater simulation software GMS to simulate groundwater flow .
In many Mississippi valley type ( MVT ) Pb-Zn deposits , dispersed elements such as Cd , Ge , and Ga may reach to economically significant enrichment .
A study on winter wheat yield-estimation in Southwest China by Remote Sensing , GIS and GPS : based on four counties of the Anning River Basin
Jinping arch dam is designed for 305m height . The V shaped river valley is favorable for arch dam building .
After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .
But time is running out for an agreement with Vale , Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton , with an informal deadline of June 30 .
China is the world 's largest importer of iron ore. Its steelmakers recently accepted a 65-71 per cent hike for supplies from Brazil 's Vale .
QUARRY BANK MILL is a handsome five-storey brick building set in the valley of the river Bollin at Styal , a small English village a few miles south of Manchester .
The price of iron ore and coking coal has doubled since last year as steel production surged , boosting the profitability of BHP Billiton and rivals Rio Tinto and Vale of Brazil .
At the dam site of the moutain spillway dam of the lower reservoir , the width of the riverbed is about 8 ~ 12m .
The floristic characteristic of seed plants in the dry and hot valley of Yunnan is dry-fast , and there are three vegetation types : ( 1 ) The Semi-savanna ;
Guinea expects in the coming weeks to announce another significant iron ore deal to follow Vale 's $ 2.5bn acquisition in the west African country , with Chinese investors considered the frontrunners .
Orthopteran diversities of 10 ecosystems were investigated by sweep netting method in dry-hot valley of Yuanmou , Yunnan . 349 orthopteran samples including 25 species were collected .
Vale has its own railway lines , which allow it to get its iron ore from Caraj á s to market without much trouble .