
  1. 研究于2004年秋季学期在河北科技师范学院进行。

    The study was conducted in the autumn semester in 2004 in Hebei Scientific and Technical Teachers ' College .

  2. 继承与创新的有机融合&河北建筑科技学院第六教学楼创作回顾

    Organic Combination of Heritage and Innovation Review the Case of the No.6 Instruction Building of Hebei Institute of Architect Science Technology

  3. 《河北科技师范学院学报》1998~2005年刊载论文信息的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Papers Published in Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology during the Years from 1998 to 2005

  4. 河北科技师范学院大学生网络文献信息资源利用的调查分析

    The Survey Analysis on the Utilization of the Network Literature Information Resources by the Students of Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology

  5. 以河北科技师范学院为调查对象,探讨了“教考分合”考试模式结构。

    Taking Hebei Normal University as the investigation object , the article discussed the mode structure of " integration and division of teaching and testing " .

  6. 实验对象是河北科技师范学院二年级计算机专业一班和二班的学生,共81人。

    Eighty one students from two classes are chosen as subjects . They are second-year college students majoring in Computer Science in Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology .

  7. 60名来自于河北科技师范学院的大一学生参与此项研究,其中实验班和控制班各30人。试验历时16周。

    Sixty non-English freshmen from Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology participate in the sixteen-week experiment . The number of the students in the experimental group and the control group is equal .

  8. 运用测试、统计、比较等方法,对河北科技师范学院98级学生在校期间体质状况进行了跟踪监测。

    Constitution of Grade 98 Students in Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology was measured while they were on campus within four years with the methods of testing , statistics and comparison .

  9. 最后,进行系统测试,得出测试结论,该系统在河北科技师范学院的教务管理部门安装调试,已投入运行。

    At last , the system was trialed and a conclusion was reached . The system was installed in the educational administration department in Hebei Science and Technology Normal University and then operated smoothly .

  10. 通过对河北建筑科技学院发文量的统计发现,我院学术论文产出有了较大的发展,科研成果无论是数量还是质量也在逐年提高。

    Through statistics and analysis of the quantity that Hebei institute of architectural science and technology send the academic papers , find our academy research work got greater development , the scientific findings improved year by year in the quantity and the quality .

  11. 特殊学生的特别教育&河北科技大学理工学院新生入学教育的探索与实践

    Special Education of " Special Students " & The Exploration Discovery and Practice on the Entrance Education in College of Science and Technology