
  • 网络Tangjin Expressway
  1. 唐津高速公路软土地基的粉喷桩处治

    Treatment of Soft Silty Subgrade by Powder Mixing Piles in Tong-Jin Superhighway

  2. 唐津高速公路路面的防水处理

    Waterproof Treatment of Tang-Jin Expressway Pavement

  3. 唐津高速公路永定新河大桥减隔震设计介绍

    The Design of Seismic Isolation and Energy Absorption for Yong Ding New River Bridge at Tang Jin Expressway

  4. 在对唐津高速公路(天津段)进行实例分析时,考虑重要性与安全性评价体系的异同,在对双幅桥梁进行评价时对上下行桥的差异,采用了不同考虑方式。

    When analyzing the instance of Tang-Jin highway road ( Tianjin part ), consider the differences of the importance and safety evaluation system . Use a different way to think the evaluation differences of upstream and downstream bridge for Twin Bridges . 7 .