
  • 网络Automotive lighting
  1. LED作为新一代的光源,已经成为汽车照明中的首选。

    LED , as a new light source , has become the first choice for automotive lighting .

  2. 传统的汽车照明系统主要由前照灯系统,信号照明系统,车内照明系统三大部分组成。

    Traditional automotive lighting system is mainly composed of three parts : Frontlighting System , signal lighting , In-car lighting .

  3. 基于单片机和LED的汽车照明系统设计

    Design of automobile illumination system based on MCU and LED

  4. 汽车照明用大功率白光LED温度分析及控制的研究

    Cargo flood light Research of High-power White LED Temperature Analysis and Control on Automobile Headlamps

  5. GaN基垂直结构LED具有耗电量小、寿命长等优点,在通用照明、景观照明、特种照明、汽车照明中被广泛应用。

    With advantages such as energy saving and long lifetime , GaN-based vertical LED will be widely used in general illumination , scene lighting , special lighting and auto lighting .

  6. 汽车照明技术已逐渐发展成能根据具体的驾驶环境适时地进行全自动光照亮度调节控制的智能化自适应照明系统(AFS)。

    Auto illuminating technology has developed into be an AFS that can automatically control the degrees of brightness adapting to the practical driving conditions .

  7. 同时由于近几年LED功率的提高以及特别是大功率的白光LED的出现,LED大有取代传统光源的趋势,特别是在汽车照明中,大部分信号灯已经使用LED作为光源。

    Additionally , with the development of LED technology , especially high-power white LED , LED will potentially replace the traditional light source . In vehicle lamps , LED has been widely used as the light source of signal lights .

  8. 白光LED具有节能、稳定、长寿命等很多优异的性能,在手机背光源、LCD背光源、通用照明、汽车照明等方面得到了广泛地应用,被称为第四代照明光源。

    White light emitting diodes ( W-LEDs ) have many excellent properties , such as long life , energy-saving , stability , which are used as backlight of mobile telephone and LCD , light source of cars and so on .

  9. 以低能耗高光效的LED作为电动汽车照明系统中能耗最高的前照灯,可以有效地缓解电动汽车紧张的电力供应现状。

    By utilizing LED , which enjoys the advantages of lower energy consumption and higher light efficiency , as the headlight , the highest energy consumer in electric automobile lighting system , the poor power supply situation of electric automobile can be effectively improved .

  10. 随着白色家电市场的发展,尤其是手机、便携式设备和汽车照明领域的不断创新,电源管理IC市场面临着更多的发展机会和挑战,呈现出快速增长的势头。

    With the developing of white appliance market , especially the innovation in the field of the cell-phone , portable equipment and the automotive illumination , the market of power management IC is confront with more and more chances and challenges , has a fast increasing trend .

  11. 汽车照明系统中电子技术的应用

    Use of Electronic Technique in the Lighting System of Cars

  12. 论文的研究以汽车照明行业作为背景。论文首先阐述了经济全球化与企业采购策略。

    The study is based on the auto lighting industry .

  13. 产学研相结合培养汽车照明技术人才

    Combination of Production and Study with Research to Develop Automobile Illumination Technician

  14. 汽车照明与信号装置网络控制系统研究

    Study on Lighting and Light Signalling Device 's Network Control System in Automobiles

  15. 全球领先的汽车照明光源的趋势。

    Leading the trends of car lighting sources .

  16. 针对上述问题,提出了一种基于光纤通信的新型汽车照明、信号控制系统,介绍了控制功能、自诊断功能,以及硬件设计与软件开发。

    Its fundamental control function , self-diagnosing function , hardware designing and software developing are introduced .

  17. 玻璃元件,未经光学加工,用于摩托车和汽车照明和信号设备

    Glass element , not optically worked for lighting and signalling equipment for cycles and motor vehicles

  18. 灯具,汽车照明设备与大型液晶萤幕的背光模组等等。

    To apply many applications such as internal and external lighting , automotive lighting , and large .

  19. 正易国际有限公司是一家专营汽车照明及附件的供应商和移动中继站和产品开发和生产能力。

    ZY International Limited is a professional supplier of automobile lighting and accessory and Mobile Repeaters with both product development and manufacturing capability .

  20. 我们所熟悉的手电筒,袖珍收音机和汽车照明系统,他们都是用蓄电池作为电源的。

    We are all familiar with flashlights , portable radios and car lighting systems , all of which use batteries as their source power .

  21. 汽车照明系统担负着照明和信号指示两种功能,是汽车安全性能的主要组成部分。

    The lighting system of cars takes on two functions , lighting and signaling , which are the main parts of the automotive safety performances .

  22. 文章介绍了一种新颖的汽车照明防眩技术,这是汽车前照灯的脉冲化照明所带来全新功能之一。

    A novel technology for reducing the effects of the headlight glare is introduced , which is one of the new advantages of impulse headlamp .

  23. 笔者在研究了汽车照明和光导系统发展现状的基础之上,学习国外研究成果和工作经验,提出了一种光纤实现照明的汽车前位灯设计方案。

    After getting familiar with the development of the automotive lighting and light guide system and learning the foreign experience in this field , the author put forward a design which is a front position lamp used fiber optics .

  24. 传统汽车照明、信号控制系统的控制信号通过专用线束传输,不具备自诊断功能。

    The control signals of conventional car lighting and signal control system which is not possess self-diagnosing function are transmitted via special wiring harness , with which the drivers are not able to discover a trouble and an accident may be occur when car running .

  25. 其中大功率的LED照明被广泛的应用在路灯照明、景观照明以及汽车车灯照明等不同的领域。

    High-power LED lighting is widely used in street lighting , landscape light , car headlight lighting and other different areas .

  26. 白光LED的应用市场非常广泛,包括手电筒、装饰灯、LCD背光源、汽车内部照明、投影灯源等。

    White LED is widely used now , including the flashlight , decorative light , LCD backlight , internal illumination of the car , projection lamp .

  27. 电气系统向汽车提供照明和驱动电力。

    An electric system supplies lighting and driving power for the automobile .

  28. 最新研制具有国际先进水平的HID汽车氙气大灯照明系统。

    The latest development of the advanced international level of HID auto lighting system Xenon headlamps .

  29. 随着计算机图形学和计算机CAD技术的发展,人们开发了汽车灯具道路照明仿真程序来模拟汽车前照灯在真实场景中的照明效果。

    With the development of Computer Graphics and Computer CAD technology , people develop an automobile lighting simulation software , which can simulate the light impact of vehicle front lighting in real scene .

  30. 上海汽车博物馆智能照明系统&I-busKNX应用的节能探讨

    Shanghai Car Museum Intelligent Lighting System & Discussion on Energy Conservation of I-bus KNX