
  • 网络horn;Car Horn;Car speaker;Klaxon
  1. 他经过时按响了汽车喇叭

    He honked his horn as he went past .

  2. 他是个没有耐心的司机,一直不停地按汽车喇叭。

    He was an impatient driver and kept blasting his horn .

  3. 司机按响汽车喇叭,支持反战示威游行者。

    Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers

  4. 骑车人危险地在车流中飞速穿行时,汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声响成一片。

    Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic

  5. 汽车喇叭声响成一片。一个愤怒的司机在大声叫骂。

    Horns honk . An angry motorist shouts .

  6. 她后面的一名男子愤怒地摁着汽车喇叭。

    A man behind her tooted angrily .

  7. 汽车喇叭嘟嘟响。

    The car tooted .

  8. 汽车喇叭真吵人。

    The tooting of cars jangles on my ears .

  9. 汽车喇叭膜片成形回弹的有限元模拟

    Finite element simulation of springback in forming automotive horn diaphragm

  10. 有一阵子甚至在有人拼命按汽车喇叭时还是听得见。

    Audible for a moment even above the demoniacal hooting .

  11. 只在紧急情况下才按汽车喇叭。

    Only use your horn in case of an emergency .

  12. 他们按汽车喇叭表示不赞同。

    They hooted their car horns to express their disapproval .

  13. 这时候车流量很小,也不再有汽车喇叭声。

    There is little or no traffic and no car horns sounding .

  14. 鸣(笛),按(汽车喇叭),吹(喇叭),吹奏(号子);吹(气)

    She blasted her horn at every car and walker in her way .

  15. 按下去激活汽车喇叭的按钮。

    A button that you press to activate the horn of an automobile .

  16. 我听见他的汽车喇叭在外边鸣响。

    I heard the honk of his horn outside .

  17. 汽车喇叭的响声使司机感到慌乱。

    The honk of horn fluster the driver .

  18. 司机按汽车喇叭叫我让路。

    The driver honked his horn at me to get out of the way .

  19. 汽车喇叭声催我让道。

    The bus honked at me to move .

  20. 汽车喇叭的叫声使男孩感到慌乱。

    The honking of horns flustered the boy .

  21. 这些汽车喇叭声吵死人了。

    The car honking really bugs me .

  22. 许多汽车喇叭发出的嘈杂的刺耳声

    The discordant noises of automobile horns

  23. 路过的驾驶者按响了汽车喇叭。

    Passing motorists hooted their horns .

  24. 她按响汽车喇叭,猛踩油门,飞速穿过熙熙攘攘的大街。

    Sounding the car 's horn , she drove at high speed through the crowded streets .

  25. 万籁俱寂,只有从远处偶尔传来汽车喇叭声。

    Everything was quiet , aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance .

  26. 人们用力敲打着锅碗瓢盆,(街道上的)汽车喇叭和口哨声互相呼应。

    People banged on pots and pans , car horns were honked and whistles blown in response .

  27. 电动汽车喇叭机动车辆用

    Electric hooter for motor vehicles

  28. 汽车喇叭经过不断的发展,目前主流的无触点电子喇叭,性能较为优异。

    After continuous development , contactless electronic horn has become the mainstream product for more excellent performance .

  29. 你得给人最好的印象,嗓门盖过静电干扰声或汽车喇叭未免不专业。

    You need to make the best impression , and talking over static or car horns is not professional .

  30. 汽车喇叭的尖声怪叫达到了高潮,于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。

    The caterwauling horns had reached a crescendo and I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home .