
tāng sháo
  • ladle;soup ladle
汤勺 [tāng sháo]
  • [soup ladle] 盛汤用的勺子

汤勺[tāng sháo]
  1. 不多时,谭布就与老虎厮打起来,进行生死决战。最后还是谭布的妻子、今年55岁的汗·比索跑过来用大汤勺赶跑了老虎。

    Moments later , man and beast were locked in a struggle for life and death , ended only when Tambun 's wife , Han Besau , 55 , ran out to batter the tiger with a soup ladle .

  2. 用汤勺的背面把混合料抹平。

    Smooth the mixture with the back of a soup spoon

  3. 你在两种汤里都用同一枝汤勺!

    You 're using the same spoon for both broths !

  4. 你在两种汤里都用同一枝汤勺!詹妮弗:那又怎样?

    You 're using the same spoon for both broths ! So ?

  5. 是的,我用汤勺。不,我不用刀子。

    Yes , I use the fork and knife .

  6. 他的汤勺掉到了地上。

    His soup spoon dropped onto the ground .

  7. 又被训练的拿着汤勺就要干活。

    And he 's been trained to scoop .

  8. 是的,我用汤勺。

    Yes , I use the soup spoon .

  9. 美国人吃饭喜欢用刀叉和汤勺。

    Americans like to eat with a fork , a knife , and a spoon .

  10. 如今,8万多名秘鲁年轻人把书本换成了汤勺,学习烹饪。

    Today , more than 80000 Peruvian youngsters have swapped books for spoons and are studying cookery .

  11. 在你到处走动的时候,带着着这汤勺,但别把油滴给洒了。

    As you wander around , carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill .

  12. 4汤勺切碎的欧芹

    Tbsp coarsely chopped parsley

  13. 她开饭晚点,喝掉了我们所有的酒,还偷走了我们所有的银汤勺。

    She served our meals late , drank all our wine , and stole all our silver spoons .

  14. 近明尼苏达市区某公园内的巨型汤勺,还有颗巨型樱桃。(景色肿末都这么漂亮!!)

    This creative giant spoon with cherry on top is located in a park close to downtown Minneapolis .

  15. 汤勺不用的时候,会被塞进靴子里携带。

    The spoon , when not in use , is carried tucked handle down into one of the boots .

  16. 小男孩开始在宫里的许多楼梯里爬上窜下,但眼睛则同时紧盯着汤勺。

    The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace , keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon .

  17. 香蕉用汤勺捣成泥,加入香草精和盐拌均匀。将蔓越橘和核桃仁切成小粒状。

    Mash the bananas with a tablespoon , adding vanilla extract and salt . Mix well . Chop the walnuts and dried cranberryes .

  18. 上个月,马来西亚一个猎人在猎松鼠的时候,差点被一只老虎吃掉。幸好他的妻子挥舞着大汤勺,赶走老虎,救了他一命。

    Last month a squirrel hunter was almost mauled to death by a tiger in Malaysia , but his soup ladle-wielding wife saved him .

  19. 在中国,吃饭用的是筷子和汤勺;在西方,吃饭用的是刀和叉。

    In China , we have dinner with chopsticks and spoon , but in western , people use fork and knife to have dinner .

  20. 首先列出配料单,并列出用量,如:一汤勺,一杯,一磅,等等。

    Start by making a list of all the ingredients . Also list how much is needed-a spoonful , a cup , a pound , etc.

  21. 当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们在共食菜肴时,也使用“公筷”或“公用”汤勺,以防止疾病传染。

    In more health-conscious environments , however , only " public " chopsticks and spoons are used so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases .

  22. 伊利莎白女王在她的豪华马车里对伊朗国王说,“是的,尼克松拜访过我,他拿走了一个汤勺。”

    Queen Elizabeth to the Shah of Iran in her Luxury carriage : " Yes , President Nixon once visited me , he stole a spoon . "

  23. 近四分之一的受访者表示不太清楚餐具的摆放形式,还有19%的顾客不知道汤勺和点心勺的区别。

    Almost a quarter of those questioned were baffled by place settings & and 19 per cent could not tell the difference between soup spoons and dessert spoons .

  24. 这一件,我们立即说出来,他注意了马格洛大娘先头放在桌上的那六副银器和那只大汤勺。

    We will mention this thought at once : he had observed the six sets of silver forks and spoons and the ladle which Madame Magloire had placed on the table .

  25. 一开始的时候,你只需往你最爱的食物中添加一点点食材(例如,将菠菜添加到肉饼中)。下一次你可以去尝试下以不同方式烹饪的过的一汤勺的份量。

    At first you can mix just a tinny bit into your favorite meal ( e.g.add spinach to a meatloaf . ) Next try maybe a tablespoon of that food cooked in different ways .

  26. 培养的细胞状态好、数量多,细胞体呈椭圆形,细胞形状近似汤勺,有一个长的单极突起,其大小为10~30μm。

    The soma of the nerve cell shaped like an ellipse and the neural cell body which has a single axon shaped like a spoon . The size of those cells varies from 10 to 30 μ m.

  27. 他双手在胸前窝成杯状,非常小心地走着,不让手中的水洒落&小手中大约有两三汤勺的水。

    He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked ; being very careful not to spill the water he held in them * maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands .

  28. 我就收到过一个看上去很宽的便携式书签,可以把它像笔一样塞到口袋里。然而,拆开包裹,你就会找到一把小刀和汤勺,还有一双可折叠的不锈钢筷子!

    I just received one that looks like a very wide portable marker that can go in your pocket like a pen . However , pop off the top and inside you find a small fork and spoon as well as a set of collapsible stainless chopsticks !