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  • 网络History of Chinese Vocabulary;history of chinese lexicon
  1. 别人与别个在汉语词汇史上是两个很重要的词。

    " Bieren " and " Biege " are the two important words in the history of Chinese lexicon .

  2. 对其词汇系统作一个全面分析对汉语词汇史的研究具有一定的意义。

    The thorough study of the vocabulary of Dazhuangyanlunjingwill be benefit to the study of the history of Chinese lexicon .

  3. Metaphor和比喻:英汉比较研究敦煌写本佛经对研究汉语词汇史有比较重要的意义。

    A Comparison Between Chinese biyu and English Metaphor ; The Buddhist scriptures written at Dun Huang is of great significance to the study of Chinese vocabulary .

  4. 《齐民要术》与汉语词汇史研究

    Qi Min Yao Shu and the Study of Chinese Lexical History

  5. 二程语录在近代汉语词汇史研究上的价值

    The Value of Two-Cheng Ana in the Study of Neoteric Chinese Lexical History

  6. 汉语词汇史研究的新尝试&关于《词语搭配变化研究》的思考

    Study of Word-Collocating Varieties & A New Approach to Study Chinese Lexical History

  7. 希望能为汉语词汇史的构建提供一些有用资料。

    I hope it can provide useful materials for the construction of history of Chinese vocabulary .

  8. 专书词汇研究是汉语词汇史研究的一项基础工作。

    Special books vocabulary research is a foundation work to the history of Chinese vocabulary research .

  9. 常用词演变史的研究,是系统而深入开展汉语词汇史研究的必要工作,而个案研究又是其不可缺少的环节。

    The study of frequently used-word is necessary to the deep study of Chinese vocabulary history .

  10. 敦煌写本佛经对研究汉语词汇史有比较重要的意义。

    The Buddhist scriptures written at Dun Huang is of great significance to the study of Chinese vocabulary .

  11. 认真调查这些现象,对汉语词汇史的研究具有重要意义。

    It is of high significance to investigate these phenomena carefully for the research into Chinese vocabulary history .

  12. 佛经是汉语词汇史研究和词典编纂的重要语料。

    Sutra is a kind of important resources for the research of Chinese lexical history and compilation of dictionaries .

  13. 从汉语词汇史角度看,其中词语关涉政治经济、司法刑狱、礼仪习俗等方面,乃法律用语之渊薮。

    From the perspective of the history of Chinese words , its word is a breeding ground of legal language .

  14. 在汉语词汇史研究中,魏晋南北朝时期是一个十分薄弱的环节。

    The study of the Chinese glossary between Han , Wei , Jin & Northern and Southern Dynasties is quite weak .

  15. 同时也揭示了早期汉译佛经在汉语词汇史研究方面的重要价值。

    The paper also reveals the great value of early Chinese version of Buddhist Scripture in the study of the history of Chinese vocabulary .

  16. 佛教戒律文献含有较多的口语材料,对汉语词汇史研究和辞书编纂有着重要意义。

    The Buddhist Doctvine scriptures have many colloquialism , which have immense significance to the study of of Chinese vocabulary and the compliation of lexicographical works .

  17. 同形词与汉语词汇史研究这一部分对同音词进行了定性的研究。首先,明确了同音词的含义以及同音词和同形词、多义词之间的关系。

    Homograph and the Study of History of Chinese Glossary First of all , define meaning of homonym , and the relation of homonym , homograph and polysemy .

  18. 通过考释,本文试图说明如果把汉译佛经与传统文献结合起来研究,会对汉语词汇史的研究产生更为重要的作用。

    We argue that it is very important for the study of the history of Chinese lexicology to combine the Chinese version of Buddhist scriptures with Chinese secular literatures .

  19. 训诂材料在汉语词汇史研究中的价值最大,在汉语语音史和汉语语法史研究中的价值也不可估量。

    The exegetical materials are the most valuable in the study of vocabulary history , and so is it in the research of Chinese pronunciation history and Chinese grammar history .

  20. 同源词问题是汉语词汇史研究的重要内容,对同源词进行深入广泛的研究有助于揭示汉语词汇的系统性问题。

    The problem of cognates is an important content in the research of the Chinese language history . Extensive researches in cognates will help us to reveal the systematicness of Chinese vocabularies .

  21. 重点探讨了其中10个祭祀词语的词源义,希望以此能为汉语词汇史的丰富和完善提供一些有价值的材料。

    Has discussed with emphasis 10 sacrificial offering words and expressions ' etymology righteousness , hoped that can provides some valuable materials take this as Chinese glossary history establishment and the consummation .

  22. 研究这些特殊的词语对汉语词汇史、大型语文辞书的编纂以及古籍的校勘整理等有着重要的意义。

    The study of these special words is of great importance to the research of the Chinese vocabulary growth , compiling of Chinese dictionaries and the emendation and sorting of the ancient Chinese books .

  23. 本义研究对于汉语词汇史教学和研究有着十分重要的意义,但随着研究的深入发展,其中也暴露出不少问题:误将《说文解字》的造意与本义相混淆;

    The study of original meaning has important function in the teaching and research of Chinese vocabulary history . But we have also found many problems in the study of original meaning with the deep development of studying .

  24. 春秋时期的词汇上承西周,下启战国,是汉语词汇史中重要的一环,因此做好春秋词汇的研究工作具有重要的意义和价值。

    The Spring and Autumn Period vocabulary , which connect the Western Zhou Dynasty and Warring States Period , functions a critical link on Chinese vocabulary history . So the research on the Spring and Autumn Period Vocabulary has significant meaning and value .

  25. 希望此项研究能够为中国古代修辞范畴研究提供一个系统梳理的个案,为汉语词汇史、中国古代诗学研究、中国传统文论研究,提供修辞学角度的观察与分析实例。

    The author hope that this research can provide a systemic case study in the field of Chinese ancient rhetorical category , and afford a sample for inspection and analysis to history of Chinese vocabulary , the study of Chinese ancient poetics , the study of Chinese traditional literary theory .

  26. 唐宋时期是汉语词汇发展史上的重要阶段。

    Tang & Song dynasties are an important period in the development of Chinese vocabulary .

  27. 在汉语词汇发展史上,六朝是一个承上启下的重要时期,它连接着上古和中古。

    In the history of development of Chinese lexis , Six Dynasties is a very important period which formed a link between ancient times and middle ancient times .

  28. 《释文》有近一半的音切是辨析音变构词的,它们对汉语词汇发展史和构词法的研究有更为突出的价值,还可以利用这些材料来探索上古汉语的形态构成。

    They have a more distinct value in the research of the developmental history of Chinese lexicon and word-building , and these data can also be taken to explore the morphological structure of ancient Chinese .

  29. 《说文解字》这部不朽的语言学巨著继承了古代方言调查的传统,记载了不同地域的方言词近187条,反映了汉代的方言现象,直到今天仍然是研究汉语方言词汇发展史的宝贵资料。

    SHUO WEN JIE ZI , an immortal linguistic monograph , inherits the tradition of dialect investigation , collects nearly 187 dialect words from different areas and reflects the dialect phenomenon of Han Dynasty .

  30. 汉语俗语词是汉语词汇史上各个时期流行于社会各阶层口语中的新产生的词语和虽早已有之但意义已有变化的词语。

    Chinese Colloquial words , those newly-born words or fully-grown ones with their meanings having changed , once prevailed among spoken languages of different social strata in history .