
  • 网络Hanbin;hanbin district
  1. 蚕桑产业历史悠久,更是成为了汉滨区农业支柱性产业。

    Sericulture industry has a long history , has become the pillar industry of Hanbin District agricultural .

  2. 汉滨区地理区位优势独特,位处川、陕、鄂、渝四省市结合部,农业发展潜力较大。

    Hanbin District , unique geographical advantage , located in Sichuan , Shaanxi , Hubei , Chongqing four provinces with the Department , agricultural development potential .

  3. 本文描写了陕西安康汉滨区牛蹄乡赣语方言岛的语音系统,列出了同音字汇。

    This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district , the city of Ankang , Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify .

  4. 近年来,由于市场波动不稳、养蚕比较效益下降、后续加工能力不足,汉滨区的蚕桑产业发展处于下滑阶段。

    In recent years , due to market fluctuations , fell , instability of sericulture benefit subsequent processing ability is insufficient , Hanbin District Development of sericulture industry in decline stage .

  5. 十天高速公路鄂陕界至安康段东起鄂陕界白河县,横穿白河、旬阳,西至安康市汉滨区,总里程约127km。

    Total mileage of Hubei-Shaanxi boundary to Ankang section of Shiyan to Tianshui expressway which is from Baihe County to Hanbin District , across Baihe and Xunyang , is about 127 kilometers .