
  • 网络Payment by draft;Payment by bill
  1. 根据承兑的文义,保证对汇票付款。

    According to the letter acceptance to ensure the money order .

  2. 买方将用即期汇票付款。

    The buyer will pay the price by sight draft .

  3. 用汇票付款是一个十分方便的方式。

    Paying money order is a very convenient way .

  4. 本公司惯常的付款条件为凭见票即付的银行汇票付款交单方式。

    We usually offer terms as payment against draft at sight under D / P.

  5. 他收到底特律给他发来的货物后以汇票付款。

    He paid for the goods sent him from Detroit by a bill of exchange .

  6. 受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .

  7. 凭汇票付款的信用证

    Payment against draft credit

  8. 但对于其先前有付款责任之任何中间当事人,则前述当事人无权要其就汇票付款。

    But he is not entitled to enforce payment of the bill against any intervening party to whom be was previously liable .

  9. 在交货期15-20天前,贵方应凭开户银行开具的汇票付款。

    20 days prior to the date of delivery , you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank .

  10. 受票人对汇票付款或者承兑后,银行就把货运单据交给买方,使之能在进口货物抵达码头后去提货。

    When the drawee pays or accepts the bill , the bank gives him the documents that allow him to collect the goods from the quay when they arrive .

  11. 在你决定购买日用品之后,选择哪个结账口付款不重要。受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    After you decide to buy groceries , the particular check-out aisle you select may not be important . Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .

  12. 远期信用证显然要使用远期汇票。付款期限可为30天、60天甚至可长达180天。

    A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft , and the usance varies from 30,60 days to as long as 180 days even longer .

  13. 凡汇票载明付款予持票人者,或票上唯一或最后之背书为无记名背书者,均属以持票人为收款人之汇票。

    A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be so payable , or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank .

  14. 票据上写着:“见票即付”。这是张见票即付的汇票。付款:付款将用保兑不可撤消无追索信用证在南京议付行见单后60天内付款。

    Payment : Payment is to be made by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit , without recourse , available by 60 days sight draft upon presentation of shipping documents to the negotiating bank in Nanjing .

  15. 必须以银行汇票的方式付款。

    Payment must be made by bank draft .

  16. 汇票只是要求付款的票据,是不是?象支票一样吗?

    A draft is simply an order to pay , isn 't it ? Like a cheque ?

  17. 对于承兑信用证承兑由受益人出具的汇票并到期付款。

    C.to accept a bill of exchange (" draft ") drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance .

  18. 在银行承担了为已承兑汇票的持有人付款的义务时,实际的银行承兑就发生了。

    The actual BA is created at a late stage in the underlying transaction when a bank accepts its obligation to pay the holder of the accepted draft .

  19. 汇票正式作付款提示而被拒付款或未能取得款项;或汇票免作提示,而该票已过期及仍未获付款。

    When it is duly presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained ; or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid .

  20. 拒付汇票到期要求付款时,受票人拒绝支付汇票上的款项叫做拒付。假期期间学校是否支付外教的工资?

    To refuse payment , to dishonour : The drawee refuses to discharge a draft when it falls due for payment . During holidays and National Vacations Does the school pay the teacher 's salary ?

  21. 当提示被免除时,汇票过期或未付款。

    When prompted to be waived , the bill or payment date .

  22. 我能用汇票为该商品付款吗?

    Can I pay for this item with money order ?

  23. 发表您的认证银行汇票已经圆满结束付款。

    The issuance of your certified bank draft has been successfully concluded for payment .

  24. 背书人为汇票向其提示付款之人;

    Where the indorser is the person to whom the bill is presented for payment ;

  25. 我们建议以见票30天付款的汇票承兑交单方式付款。

    We propose to pay by Bill of Exchange at 30 d / s , documents agaist acceptance .

  26. 货物装出后,我们将像你方开出60天期的汇票,请到期付款。

    After loading the goods , we will like you by60 days of the bill , please pay at maturity .

  27. 开证行获得所需的各项文件之后,将向议付行发出银行承兑汇票,作为未来付款的担保。

    Assuming all of the documents are in order , the issuing bank will issue a banker 's acceptance to the negotiating bank guaranteeing payment at a future point .

  28. 如持票人提示付款,应向被要求付款之人展示汇票,在获得付款后,持票人须将汇票立即交付给该付款的当事人。

    If the holder prompt payment , payment shall be required to show others the bill in payment , the holder shall pay bills for immediate delivery to the party .

  29. 如两名或以上人士愿意为维护不同当事人之信誉而支付汇票,则凡付款能解除最多数当事人对汇票之责任之人士,应享有优先权。

    Where two or more persons offer to pay a bill for the honour of different parties , the person whose payment will discharge most parties to the bill shall have the preference .

  30. 它则须于汇票所载之付款地点办理拒绝付款证书,而不必再向付款人作付款提示或要求付款。我今天不能付款给你。

    " it must be protested for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be payable , and no further presentment for payment to , or demand on , the drawee is necessary . " I can 't pay you today .