
shuǐ jìnɡ
  • Water mirror;as bright as a mirror;a person of intellectual brilliance
水镜 [shuǐ jìng]
  • [hydroscope] 在一根钢管中安放有一系列镜片用以使人能看到水面下相当远的物体的装置

  1. 请自备太阳油、睡衣、拖鞋、泳衣、水镜、高尔夫球杆、高球手套和网球拍等。

    Please bring along sun oil , pajamas , slippers , swimsuit , water glasses , club & glove for sport activities .

  2. 最后一部分,结合湖南地区休闲农业的发展和现代科技示范园的实际项目,以水镜农业科技示范园为例,对园区进行了较为详细的总体规划设计。

    The last part , combined with the development of leisure agriculture in Hunan and modern sci-tech Demonstration Garden of real-world projects , to " water mirror of agricultural sci-tech Demonstration Garden " as an example , for a more detailed overall plan design of the Park .

  3. 笔者还对明清时期山西晋中地区典型戏台&晋祠水镜台的酬神演剧活动进行了实地考察及调研,力求展现山西戏曲活动在民间的现状。

    The author makes field survey on the thank-god drama activities on the Jin Temple " Water Mirror Stage " & a typical stage in the central Shanxi area during the Ming and Qing dynasties , and strives to show the status quo of Shanxi folk operas .