
  1. 基于GIS的青岛市水资源信息管理与辅助决策支持系统

    Qingdao city water resources information management and decision - making support system based on GIS

  2. 利用VISUALBASIC6.0和VISUALFOXPRO6.0,建立了甘肃省水资源信息管理与分析系统,实现了对水资源信息的有效管理和准确分析。

    The information management and evaluation system of water resources in Gansu was established by Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual FoxPro 6.0 , which realized valid management and exact evaluation on water resources information .

  3. 该系统基于VB6.0和Avenue语言进行集成二次开发,实现各种水资源信息及其相关信息的实时动态管理、空间分析等功能。

    The system has been doing " integrated secondary development " based on VB 6.0 and Avenue languages to realize the real-time and dynamic management and spacial analysis of various water resource and related information .

  4. 为了从数字高程数据中自动提取区域水资源信息,以提高基于GIS的区域水资源勘查评价工作的效率,提出了一种从DEM中自动提取自然水系的实用方法。

    Automatic extraction of regional water resource information from digital elevation data can promote the efficiency of regional water resource prospecting and assessment in GIS . Therefore , a practical method for automatic extraction of natural river system from DEM is introduced in this paper .

  5. 最后,还结合一些具体的应用系统,如中国城市信息系统、城市水资源信息系统以及城市环境信息系统等,介绍了UGIS软件工具的不同使用方式以及给人们带来的实际好处。

    Moreover , through some UGIS applied systems , as samples , the different applied models of UGIS software tools and their benefits are described in the paper .

  6. 可持续发展水文水资源信息共享探索及实践

    Investigation and practice of information sharing for sustainable development of water resources

  7. 水资源信息和文件系统专项软件包

    Special software package for water resources information and documentation systems

  8. 水资源信息管理与预测预报系统的建立

    Foundation of Water Resource Information Management and Forecast System

  9. 基于混合软件体系结构的水资源信息系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Water Resource Information System Based on Hybrid Software Architecture

  10. 水资源信息管理系统架构与设计要素

    Structures and Designing Elements in Water Resources MIS

  11. 水资源信息监控与管理

    Water Resource Information Monitoring and Management

  12. 同时专题图形式表现水资源信息变化规律及空间分布。

    The changing regularity and spatial distribution of Water resources information was presented in the form of thematic map .

  13. 介绍了水资源信息管理调度系统,并分析了系统功能特点及系统的构成。

    This paper introduces the water resource information management and attemper system , and analyses the characteristic and structure of system .

  14. 目前在我国的水资源信息系统建设中,关于牧区防旱减灾信息系统的建设还处在薄弱环节。

    While Drought Relief Assistant Decision System is still the weak link in the building of water resources Information System in our country .

  15. 县域节水型社会水资源信息管理系统通信服务器负载均衡及软件设计

    Discussion on the Load Balance of and Software Design for the Communication Server of the Water Resources Information Management System in the County Water-saving Society

  16. 该嵌入式终端经过实际测试,基本满足了远程抄表系统的技术指标要求,为水资源信息管理系统的实现奠定了坚实的基础。

    After tested by practice , the terminal has met the technical request of remote meter reading system , and has laid the solid foundation for the water resources information management system .

  17. 达到水资源信息采集、传输、接收、分析评价和预测预报的现代化,最基础的工作就是建设水资源监测系统。

    The on-line water resources monitoring system , as the basis for this work , is used to collect , transmit and receive monitored data for the purpose of realizing information evaluation and prediction modernization .

  18. 而随着计算机技术的日新月异,建立数据库和水资源信息管理系统,为水资源管理过程中实时获取信息和实时分析提供了一个有效的工作平台和可靠的技术支持。

    With the ever-changing computer technology , building the databases and water resource management information provide a effective work platform and reliable technical support for the real-time access to information and real-time analysis for the water resources management process .

  19. 本文将时空数据动态可视化理论和技术应用于水资源信息系统领域,研究实现了水流信息的动态可视化表达,为南水北调(山东段)水资源优化配置提供了直观、高效的决策支持。

    This thesis applies the theory of spatio-temporal data visualization in water resources information system and realizes dynamic visualization of water flow , which system offers efficient decision supports for the deployment of wate resources in South-to-North water Transfer Project of Shandong province .

  20. 因此,迫切需要充分熟谙渭河流域的水文循环规律和水资源信息,并正确认识自然变化和人类活动所引起的流域水文效应,以保护和改善流域水环境,促进人与自然和谐相处。

    For promoting the harmony between human and nature , we need know well the theory of the hydrological cycle and the chang of water resources , and understand correctly the hydrology effect on the nature chang and the human activity in the Weihe river basin .

  21. 采用GIS系统集成技术建立流域水资源管理信息系统

    Drainage Basin Water Resource Management System based on GIS System Integrated Technology

  22. 城市水资源管理信息系统的GIS应用

    Application of geographic information system for urban water resources management

  23. 基于GIS与SWAT模型集成的水资源管理信息系统设计

    Design of the water resources management information system based on the GIS and SWAT model integration technology

  24. 广州市水政水资源管理信息系统是一个基于GIS技术的、客户/服务器结构下的环境信息系统,本文介绍了系统的总体设计与关键技术。

    The water policy and resource management information system of Guangzhou city is based on GIS technology and under the structure of Client / Server system . This paper introduced the overall design and key technology of this system .

  25. 通过开发GIS的通用功能与运用VB编程完成的特殊功能的镶嵌集成,研制出适合用户需求的、整体功能强大的吉林省天然矿泉水资源管理信息系统。

    By the integration of general function of GIS and special function of VB , the natural mineral water resources management information system of Jilin Province was developed , which can meet users ' demand and has strong unitary function .

  26. 阐述了建立基于GIS的抚顺市水资源管理信息系统总体设计、数据采集、数据库建立和系统的查询统计、分析预测等功能设计。

    In this article , according to the different levels of water resource management of Fushun city , the general design , data acquisition , database building , inquiry and statistics , analysis & prediction of water resource management based on GIS technology were elaborated .

  27. 吉林省地下水资源地理信息系统研究

    Study on Geography Information System for Groundwater Resources of Jilin Province

  28. 基于遥感调查的水资源地理信息系统

    Water Resources GIS Based on Remote Sensing Survey

  29. 论现行法律关于水资源环境信息管理体系的规定

    On Provisions of the Existing Law in Environmental Information Management System for Water Resource

  30. 解决了系统开发过程中,矿泉水资源空间信息集成、专业查询分析、数据编辑和数据管理的技术问题;

    The mainly problems which are solved are as follows : the integration of mineral water resource spatial information , the professional query and analysis of mineral water resource , data edit and data management .