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shuǐ cáo
  • water channel;trough;pentrough;mantle
水槽[shuǐ cáo]
  1. 基于水槽原理的多段图问题的另一种解法

    Another Solution to Multistage Graph Problem Based on Water Channel Principium

  2. 整流网对水槽流场品质的作用

    Effect of screen on the behavior of flow fields in water channel

  3. 千万不能放任小孩呆在水池或水槽附近不管。

    Never leave young children unattended near any pool or water tank

  4. 切香肠用的刀放在水槽里。

    The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink .

  5. 她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。

    She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass

  6. 她俯在水槽边洗盘子。

    She was bent over the sink washing the dishes .

  7. 他的头撞到了水槽上,正在流血。

    His head had struck the sink and was bleeding

  8. 乔安妮站着,两手放在水槽上,眼睛定定地望着窗外。

    Joanne stood with her hands on the sink , staring out the window

  9. 他把盘子丢到水槽里。

    He dropped his plate into the sink .

  10. 滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。

    Make sure the draining board , sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected .

  11. 她把水槽的塞子塞上,注满凉水。

    She put the plug in the sink and filled it with cold water .

  12. 水槽里堆满了脏碟子。

    The sink was full of dirty dishes .

  13. 水槽里放着脏碗。

    There were dirty dishes in the sink

  14. 乔用塞子塞住水槽,往盘子上挤了点洗涤剂。

    Joe put the plug in the sink and squeezed some detergent over the dishes .

  15. 水槽又堵上了。

    The sink 's bunged up again

  16. 例如,你可以把电视搬到厨房,站在水槽边看你最喜欢的节目。

    For instance , you can move a TV to the kitchen and watch your favorite shows while you 're standing at the sink .

  17. 以填满厨房水槽为例。

    Take filling up the kitchen sink as an example .

  18. 我看了他一会儿,然后拿起梳子朝水槽走去。

    I looked at him a while , then took the comb and headed to the sink .

  19. 在这种情况下,你什么也做不了,只能两眼盯着水槽,直到它满了为止。

    There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it 's full .

  20. 下次当你站在水槽边等着它装满,并一边煮着得吃到一大包现金从天而降为止的面汤时,不要绝望。

    The next time you 're standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you 'll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky , don 't be desperate .

  21. 本电热恒温水槽,不锈钢内胆、具有调节器

    This Electro-Thermostatic Water Cabinet is with stainless steel inner and adjuster .

  22. 把水槽灌满水。

    Fill the tank with water .

  23. 在自然灾害发生之前,一定要把你的浴缸和水槽装满干净的水。

    Before natural disasters make sure to fill your tub up and your sink with water that is clean .

  24. 妈妈们需要挤奶的私密空间,或是在一个能上锁的私人办公室,或是指定的配有电源插座和水槽的哺乳室。

    Mothers need the privacy to express milk , either in a lockable private office or designated lactation room with an electrical outlet1 and a sink .

  25. 水槽上方的镜子灰蒙蒙的沾满了尘埃,锈迹斑斑的水槽上,龙头还在滴着水,看来已经有好几个年头了。

    The mirror over the sink was clouded and coated with a thin layer of dust . The stained sinks were dry and discolored where water had dripped for many years .

  26. 澳方于2019年对自中国进口的铁道轮毂、风塔分别采取或延长反倾销措施,于2020年对自中国进口的不锈钢水槽延长反倾销和反补贴措施。

    China lodged steel sinks . Australia adopted or extended anti-dumping measures on railway wheels and wind towers imported from China in 2019 , and extended anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures targeting stainless steel sinks imported from China in 2020 .

  27. V型滤池配水槽均匀性分析

    Analysis of Distributing Uniformity in V Pattern Distributing Channel

  28. U形渠道量水槽的性能分析与筛选研究

    Analysis of U-Shaped Channel Flow Measurement Flume Properties and Selection

  29. U形渠道抛物线形喉口式量水槽选型与设计

    Selection Type and Design for Flow Measurement Flume With Parobolic Throat in U-shaped Channel

  30. 为解决长喉道量水槽复杂的设计计算困难,基于Windows98/2000,运用VISUALBASIC6.0开发了长喉道量水槽设计软件。

    A software for adding calibration in long throated flume design is developed based on Windows 98 / 2000 and Visual Basic programming language .