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  1. 他被寻水兽咬了。

    He was bitten by the Questing Beast .

  2. 寻水兽由古魔法创造出来的怪兽。

    The Questing Beast is a creature conjured by the powers of the Old Religon .

  3. 寻水兽具有这种能力。

    The Questing Beast carries that power .

  4. 寻水兽选择了亚瑟。

    The Questing Beast chose Arthur .

  5. 寻水兽的特点。

    the characteristics of Questing Beast .

  6. 一旦被寻水兽咬过必死无疑没有魔法可以逆转。

    The bite of the Questing Beast is a death sentence that no magic can overturn .

  7. 倒下来的是一只很好看的水獭,一只水兽,它可能是住在海中的唯一的四足兽了。

    It was a magnificent sea otter from the genus Enhydra , the only exclusively marine quadruped .

  8. 一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。

    An old doctor poured a jug of into the river , to medicine aquatic animals , lest damage flexor doctor .

  9. 据上古卷轴说,寻水兽现身必有不祥之事发生。

    According to the old books , the appearance of the Questing Beast is supposed to foreshadow a time of great upheaval .

  10. 水坝控制中、下游洪涝灾害的能力是有一定限度的,会阻碍某些生活在中、下游的珍稀水兽和其它鱼类游到上游繁殖。

    The dam has a limited ability to control flood ; in middle and lower Yangtze River valley , it will hinder the rare and valuable water animals and fishes from swimming from the middle and lower river to the upper riv-r for reproduction .