
  • 网络Meteorological Data;weather data;Upper Air Data;Shanghai.CTYW
  1. 基于ARM的气象数据采集系统的研制

    Research and Design of the Meteorological Data Collector Based on ARM

  2. 基于ARM和CAN总线的自动气象数据采集系统设计

    Design of Automatic Meteorological Data Acquisition System Based on ARM and CAN Bus

  3. Kalman滤波在气象数据同化中的发展与应用

    The developments and applications of Kalman filters in meteorological data assimilation

  4. 利用VB画图函数实现气象数据图形化显示

    Implement Graphical Display of Meteorological Data with VB 's Drawing Function

  5. 本文为GIS空间插值对城市气象数据产品制作的适宜性做出了有益的探索。

    This paper is helpful to the evaluation on the urban meteorological products by the spatial interpolation in GIS .

  6. 基于GPRS网络的远程气象数据采集系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Remote Meteorological Data Acquisition System Based on GPRS Network

  7. GPRS系统在气象数据传输中的应用

    Apply GPRS System in the Weather Data Transporting

  8. EXCEL环评气象数据自动计算表的设计和应用

    The design and application of an EXCEL book for automatic processing meteorological data in environmental quality assessment

  9. 利用森林资源连续清查的林业数据、地面调查数据以及其他历史与气象数据建立研究区的GIS数据库;

    Based on the forest resource data , field data and other history , weather information , the GIS database of study area were built .

  10. 基于气象数据与AVHRR热红外数据的人工神经网络分类方法

    Artificial Neural Network Method Used for Weather and AVHRR Thermal Data Classification

  11. 应用OLAP(联机分析处理)技术,实现了对气象数据仓库降水量主题数据的多维分析展现。

    Applying OLAP technology , author realizes the multidimensional analysis and exhibition to the precipitation theme data of the weather data warehouse .

  12. 结合当前流行的web技术和中间件技术,为用户提供多种接口,不仅方便用户对气象数据进行查询和检索,同时还方便开发者进行二次开发。

    Combining the current popular web technology and middleware technology , It provides users with multiple interface , not only convenient for meteorological data query and retrieval , but also convenient for developers to use meteorological data for programming .

  13. 针对气象数据集的特征,利用相关系数和PKI离散化法对预测因子进行选择和离散化。

    In consideration of the characteristics of meteorological data sets , we use correlation coefficient and PKI discretization method to select and discrete predictors .

  14. 再次介绍了气象数据采集系统的软件设计,该部分主要包括ARM启动程序的详细介绍、μC/OS-II实时系统的移植、一个运用程序的介绍。

    The design of the software in this system . It includes start-program , the download of the real-time operation system - μ C / OS-II and the introduction of a application program .

  15. 根据气象数据的特点将设计基于Trie树变形的文件合并算法。

    According to the characteristics of meteorological data , design a file merging algorithm based on the trie tree .

  16. 研究了利用GPRS的无线通信方式传输气象数据,并分析了GPRS无线通信的特点和优点,以及GPRS在传输气象数据过程中对信号的传输方式;

    It researched that GPRS wireless communications way transmits meteorological data , analyses the characteristics and advantages of GPRS wireless communications and signal transmission method in the process of meteorological data transmission .

  17. 基于对所采集的气象数据的分析,对实验区内一些传统的农作物种植制度、种植结构、作物品种进行了调整和改革。通过3a的实验和推广,当地农民得到了实惠增加了收益。

    According to analysis of the basic meteorological data , some traditional planting system , planting patterns and varieties were reformed and changed .

  18. 其中,气象数据接收软件负责将天气实况数据从原始资料文件中抽取出来,再做相应的质量控制后写入亚运专题数据库(Oracle)。

    Among them , meteorological data receiving software is responsible for extracting live weather data from the raw data file , then putting them into the Asian Games special database ( Oracle ) after the quality control .

  19. 对FAO-56推荐作物系数在数值和生育阶段进行了双重修正:采用气象数据对FAO-56推荐作物系数进行数值修正。

    The crop coefficients from FAO-56 were amended by weather parameters .

  20. 结合遥感和气象数据,基于可燃物引燃能量的物理概念,利用火灾敏感性指数(FSI)进行森林火险监测和评估。

    Based on the physical concept of heat energy of preignition , a new fire susceptibility index ( FSI ) is used to estimate the forest fire risk .

  21. 农业气象数据管理及分析系统ADMAS

    Agrometeorological Data Management and Analysis System

  22. 气象数据管理采用数据仓库与ETL技术,实现气象数据的按主题存储,提高了系统的查询速度,为天气预报提供数据基础。

    Meteorological data management module uses data warehouse and ETL technology , and achieves meteorological data storage by the theme , which improves the searching speed of the system and provides the data for weather forecast and analysis .

  23. 运用1Km分辨率的遥感数据,气象数据和土壤数据资料运行模型,模拟各剖面点的土壤有机碳密度。

    The model simulates soil organic carbon density of different profiles using the data of remote sensing , climate and soil resources of 1 kilometer resolve .

  24. 根据模型的适用性检验发现,对所研究的气象数据而言,ARMA(4,3)模型是最合适的,具有平稳可逆性。在一气象观测场对空气中含有的微生物量进行了观测。

    Based on the adaptability test of the model , we can draw the conclusions that the ARMA ( 4 , 3 ) model is most suitable for the South China Sea Meteorological Data and the model is stable and reversible .

  25. 建筑能耗动态分析用气象数据构成及THRF新的能耗分析方法研究

    Research of Meteorological Data Constitution for Building Energy Dynamic Analysis and a New THRF Energy Analysis Method

  26. 文中用NOAA数据、DEM数据结合实测气象数据对Penman公式进行修正,再用修正后的Penman公式计算雅鲁藏布江流域潜在蒸散量。

    NOAA / AVHRR and DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ) together with the measured meteorological data are applied to modify Penman Formula . And the monthly potential evapotranspiration of Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin is calculated with the modified Penman Formula .

  27. 并根据2004年和2005年温室内实测气象数据和水面蒸发对其进行了验证,通过相关分析得出用修正后的P-M公式计算作物蒸发蒸腾量比FAO推荐的P-M公式计算值误差小、精度高。

    The modified P-M equation is verified by the measured data of weather and water evaporate in 2004 and 2005.The correlation analysis results show that the modified P-M equation has less error and higher precision than P-M equation .

  28. 在国内外,首次采用科学、翔实的参考年逐时气象数据和权威、可靠的动态负荷软件DeST生成人工神经网络的训练数据集。

    In China , for the first time , the training data is generated through dynamic load program DeST , which is authoritative and reliable . The hourly meteorological parameters of test reference year ( TRY ) are scientific , full and accurate .

  29. 然后在接收端用Email接收程序分别利用CMMB设备和BGAN设备完成对气象数据的接收,同时设计了气象数据处理平台来完成为气象信息的解析和气象要素在电子海图上的标绘显示。

    At the receiving end , using Email receiving program to achieve the meteorological data by means of CMMB and Inmarsat equipment . At last using meteorological data processing platform to analyze the meteorological information and complete the display of the meteorological information on electronic chart .

  30. 改进BP网络用于解决降雨量预报问题,首先利用主成分分析法(PCA)降低所收集的气象数据的维数,然后选取GF-MBP网络学习气象数据中蕴含的内在规律,从而建立起PCA-BP降雨量预报模型。

    Applying Modified BP network to rainfall prediction problem : Above all , dimension of original meteorological data was reduced by using principal component analysis ; then inherent laws contained in meteorological data were learned by training GF-MBP network ; and thus PCA-BP rainfall prediction model was established .