
  • 网络Minqin County
  1. 民勤县天然草地毒草调查与防治

    The investigation of poisonous weeds on natural grassland in Minqin County

  2. 民勤县生态足迹计算与可持续发展状况分析

    Calculation of ecological footprints and analysis of sustainable development of Minqin County

  3. 甘肃民勤县地理建设研究

    Research on environmental reconstructing in Minqin Country , Gansu Province

  4. 民勤县生态政策实施的效果在农户中的响应

    Farmland Households ' Response to the Actualizing Effect of Eco-policies in Minqin

  5. 水资源约束条件下民勤县农业产业结构优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Agricultural Structure in Minqin County with Limited Water Resources

  6. 民勤县新型农村合作医疗中补偿机制研究

    Research on Compensation System in MinQin 's New Rural Cooperative Medical Service Policy

  7. 民勤县的荒漠化类型主要有风蚀荒漠化和盐渍荒漠化。

    Desertification types in Minqin county are mainly sandy desertification and salinized desertification .

  8. 可持续发展观视角下的民勤县生态移民问题

    Research on the Ecological Emigration of Minqin in the Perspective of Sustainable Development

  9. 甘肃省民勤县土地荒漠化的发展趋势及其防治

    Development Trend and Control of land Desertification in Minqin County of Gansu Province

  10. 民勤县沙漠边缘玉米覆膜穴播栽培试验研究

    Study on plastic mulch and hole seeding cultivation of maize in Minqin desert fringe

  11. 民勤县沙漠沿线紫花苜蓿种植试验

    Plant to experiment of the purple flower medicago sativa in the minqin desert along line

  12. 民勤县绿洲沙漠化盐渍化成因及其治理途径

    The causes of desertification and salinization and controlling ways for preventing in the oasis of Minqing County

  13. 最后,本文针对前文提出的问题给出了民勤县水权交易机制优化的对策和建议。

    Finally , this paper before given the Minqin County water rights trading mechanism to optimize the countermeasures and suggestions .

  14. 民勤县生态环境状况及水资源评价&对甘肃省民勤县以水定人的调查和分析

    Evaluation of Ecological Environment and Water Resource in the Minqin County & Empirical Studies on Basing Population Development on Water Resource

  15. 有更古老的遗迹残留的可能性。残存在民勤县西沙窝中的古代遗址

    There is a possibility of older remains surviving . Investigation on the Ancient Ruins in the Western Sandy land of Minqin County

  16. 民勤县是全国乃至全世界最干旱、荒漠化危害最严重的地区之一。

    Minqin County is one of the regions which is the most arid and the most serious desertification in China and even the world .

  17. 为了实现民勤县的可持续发展,通过采用支付意愿法对其生态系统服务功能的经济价值进行深入研究。

    In order to realize sustainable development of Minqin , the mean value of WTP is used to evaluate the valuations of the ecosystem service .

  18. 干旱区水资源承载力多目标层次评价&以民勤县为例

    Evaluation of the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Arid Areas by Using Multi-objective Hierarchical Analysis & A case study in Minqin County , Gansu Province

  19. 甘肃省民勤县农村高血压患者危险因素的干预效果及其影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Effect and the Related Factors of Intervention to Hypertension Patients ' Risk Factors in Rural Area in Minqin County , Gansu Province

  20. 其次,概括了民勤县水资源的利用现状,分析了民勤县优化水权交易机制的紧迫性、必要性和可行性。

    Secondly , Minqin County Water Resources Utilization , analyze the urgency of the need for and feasibility of Minqin County to optimize water rights trading mechanism .

  21. 第五部分给出了民勤县种植业结构调整方向以及发展虚拟水贸易的对策和建议。

    The fifth part puts forward the direction of the planting industry structure adjustment in Minqin County , as well as the virtual water trade countermeasures and suggestions .

  22. 中国干旱、半干旱地区土地开垦对荒漠化的影响&以甘肃民勤县和内蒙古伊金霍洛旗为例

    Impact of land reclamation on Desertification in arid and semi arid areas of China Taking Minqin County of Gansu and Ejin Horo Banner of Inner Mongolia as case studies

  23. 根据民勤县灌区4年春小麦灌溉对比试验,对春小麦适度水分亏缺下节水增产机理作了初步分析。

    The mechanism of water saving effect in deficit irrigation is analyzed after 4 years of contrast experiment in Minqin County . Different management level makes different water saving effect .

  24. 可是自上个世纪90年代以来,随着民勤县经济社会的新一轮快速发展,民勤县的自然生态环境面临空前的压力而急剧恶化。

    However , from 1990s , with the speedy development of its social economy , the ecological environment of Minqin County has been facing unprecedented pressure and is deteriorating sharply .

  25. 本文通过进行实际调查,广泛收集资料,对民勤县水资源数量、质量、及分布规律进行了客观评价;

    In this paper , the quality , quantity , and distribution conditions of water resources in Minqin county have been assessed in terms of site investigation and collection of data .

  26. 甘肃省民勤县是世界上最缺水的地区之一,随着民勤县地下水的过度开采,该地区的地下水位持续下降。

    Minqin County of Gansu province is one of the most arid region in the world . The underground water level continues to decline along with the excessive exploitation of groundwater in the area .

  27. 甘肃省民勤县作为典型的生态脆弱地区,其生态恶化问题一直是政府和公众关注的焦点。

    Due to the harsh natural environment , Minqin , a county of Gansu province , has been defined as a typical eco-deterioration region and gained increased attention from the government and the public .

  28. 甘肃省民勤县是一个三面环沙的农业县,其社会经济的发展主要依靠传统的农业生产,对生态环境的依赖程度一直比较高。

    Embosomed in sands , Minqin is an agricultural county in Gansu province . With its development mainly relying on traditional agricultural industry , ecological environment has always been a decisive factor for the whole county .

  29. 然而,甘肃省民勤县支撑资源开发的生态环境极为脆弱,生存和生活环境极端恶劣,制约资源利用的自然灾害十分频繁。

    However , the eco-environment , which supports the resource development , is extremely fragile . In this region , the survival and living environment is extremely bad , and frequent natural disasters restrain the utilization of resources .

  30. 然后,对民勤县自然环境及社会经济发展状况进行了概述,并阐述了民勤县生态环境特点与存在的问题,以明确生态环境变化的趋势。

    Then , natural resources and social economic development of Minqin have been introduced . The paper studies the characteristic of ecological environment in Minqin and existing problems , and analyzes the changing tendency of the ecological environment .