
mín sú xué jiā
  • folklorist
  1. 民俗学家弗朗西斯,李尤特雷把宗教传说这个领域比作“未开垦的处女地”,需要开发取之不尽的口传或手写资源,才能成功地进行探索。

    Folklorist Francis Lee Utley has referred to this area of religious legends as " an uncharted wilderness " that requires the use of numerous sources , both written and oral , for its successful exploration .

  2. 中国东南部城市福州的民俗学家方兵贵称,生肖羊的形象常有区域性的解释。

    Fang Binggui , a folklorist based in southeast China 's Fuzhou City , says the image of the zodiac Yang is open to regional interpretation .

  3. 贝拉·巴托克是匈牙利作曲家、钢琴家、音乐教育家及民俗学家。

    Bela Bartok , Hungarian composer , pianist , music educator and folklore expert .

  4. 民俗学家普遍认为真正的民俗应该具有五种特征:即1口头性;

    Folklorists generally associate five qualities with true folklore : 1 it is oral ;

  5. 他是卓越的外交家、思想家、政治家、民俗学家和著名的爱国诗人。

    He is an excellent diplomat , thinker , folklore expert , politician , and famous patriotic poet .

  6. 为了摆脱这种尴尬局面,使民俗学研究走出低谷,美国民俗学家们经过激烈的论争,最终支持对民俗学进行文化政治学的研究。

    American folklorists support the idea of the study of cultural politics in terms of folklore after their heated argument .

  7. 本文是日本民俗学家关敬吾先生对日本传统故事的概念界定以及对之内容、结构特点的概括,作为他山之石,可以给中国民俗学理论研究提供参考。

    This article deals with Mr. Guang Jingwu 's ideas about the concepts , contents and structures of Japanese traditional folktales conducive to the theoretical studies of Chinese folklore .

  8. 旧时民间相传花果粮菜均有生日,民俗学家以为此是古代对作物崇拜的表现,解放前嘉兴有此风俗。

    Old folk legend floral food dishes are birthdays , folklorists to do this is the worship of the ancient crop performance , before liberation Jiaxing have this custom .

  9. 学术运动对于常规科学的负面影响&兼谈民俗学家在非遗保护运动中的学术担当

    The Negative Effects of Academic Campaign on the Regular Science & A Concurrent Comment on the Academic Action of Experts on Folklore in the Protection of Non-material Culture Heritage

  10. 中国民俗学家表示,羊年生肖的象征物既可能是绵羊,也可能是山羊,但山羊的可能性更大,因为在汉族地区山羊作为家畜更为常见。

    Chinese folklorists say the animal symbol can be either a sheep or a goat but more likely goat , given the latter 's popularity as a farm animal among Han Chinese .

  11. 民俗学家们习惯首先把发生的民俗转化为记录的民俗,但他们的记录遗弃了发生情景,而且抽象出了活动的主体。

    The folk custom scientists are familiar with first the folk custom which occurs transform as the recording folk custom , but their record abandoned the scene , abstract the active main body .

  12. 佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿是美国伟大的小说家,民俗家,人文学家。

    Zora Neale Hurston is a great novelist , folklorist , and anthropologist in America .

  13. 不同于其他学科,民俗学者、人类学家把目光聚焦于民众日常生活中的仪式。

    While folklorists and anthropologists pay more attention to daily living things for ceremony study .