
máo zhān
  • felt;hair felt
毛毡 [máo zhān]
  • [felt] 用牛毛制成的毡,用作建筑物绝缘材料

毛毡[máo zhān]
  1. 毛毡的上层应与下层重叠。

    The upper layer of felt should overlap the lower .

  2. 外面蒙着一层厚厚的防水毛毡。

    The outside is covered with thick water-proof felt .

  3. 新版本没有假纹理,Federighi开玩笑说,毛毡和木头我们都用完了。

    The new version doesn 't have the fake textures , and Federighi joked , We ran out of felt and wood .

  4. 新版本没有假纹理,Federighi开玩笑说,“毛毡和木头我们都用完了。”

    The new version doesn 't have the fake textures , and Federighi joked , " We ran out of felt and wood . "

  5. 毛毡与聚甲醛间摩擦系数的动态测量研究

    Dynamic Measurement Study of the Friction Coefficient between Felt and Polyformaldehyde

  6. 在琴槌的毛毡上粘上小针以使音色圆润。

    Sticking small needles into the hammer 's felt creates mellowing .

  7. 我们用毛毡制作动物,里面塞本棉。

    We made felt animals and stuffed them with kapok .

  8. 我们已用毛毡把热水箱包了起来。

    We 've lagged the hot water tank with felt .

  9. 密封件为用细毛毡制成的环形毡圈。

    Seals made blankets for the use of small circular loop carpet .

  10. 备有毛毡清洁系统,延长毛毡使用寿命。

    Equipment of felt cleaning system makes the felts longer serrice life .

  11. 但是在更换用组合仪表上并没有毛毡。

    There are no pieces of felt fitted on replacement instrument clusters .

  12. 并根据用户要求制作各种异形毛毡零件。

    We also can produce different shape felt parts according to customers'requests .

  13. 每一次接触都会让小毛毡苔卷得更紧

    With each contact , the plant tightens its grip .

  14. 不要担心毛毡条出现轻微折叠。

    Don 't worry if slight creases form in the felt strip .

  15. 洪水过后一个月,毛毡还是湿的。

    After the flood , the carpets were wet for a month .

  16. 卫生纸造纸机造纸机毛毡和滤材工业中质量控制测试设备

    Monitoring System for Quality Control in the Paper Machine Felt and Filter Industries

  17. 安装更换用组合仪表前,需粘贴毛毡。

    Before installing a replacement instrument cluster , affix the pieces of felt .

  18. 签名用笔(以毛毡为笔尖的笔)由紫貂毛作成的画笔。

    An artist 's brush made of sable hair .

  19. 二是顶棚,咱们是买点油毛毡呢,还是买点石棉瓦?

    Two is the roof we buy asphalt felt , or asbestos shingles ?

  20. 将一些毛毡粘在钥匙环周围。

    Stick some felt around the key ring .

  21. 油毛毡,沥青纸板吸油性:纸张的吸油能力。

    Tarred roofing felt Oil absorbency : The capability of a paper to absorb oil .

  22. 通过在琴槌的毛毡上涂以少量的漆从而使音色嘹亮。

    Brilliance is accomplished by applying small amounts of lacquer to the hammer 's felt .

  23. 将毛毡粘贴在组合仪表左右两侧的底板上。

    Affix felt to the underside of the instrument cluster at the left and right .

  24. 里边还垫了一层毛毡,可以抵挡寒气。

    The inside is lined with another layer of felt to keep out the cold .

  25. 将毛毡条贴到组合仪表中间的定心轴颈上。

    Stick felt tape to the centring Journal of the instrument cluster in the middle .

  26. 他们查看他的床,毛毡下面也有面包。

    They looked in his bed , too , and saw bread under his blanket .

  27. 金属加固纺织物(不包括毛毡),供机器或工厂使用

    Textile fabric ( excl. felt ), reinforced with metal for use in machinery or plant

  28. 我的腿像橡皮和我毛毡好像我可以睡觉长达数小时之久。

    My legs were like rubber and I felt as though I could sleep for hours .

  29. 后来,我们增加了纸张,黄铜,毛毡,钢,银。

    Later on , we added paper , brass , felt , steel , and silver .

  30. “圆顶帐篷”是游牧民族的传统居住房屋,是一种可以移动的、在木制格子架上蒙上毛毡的帐篷。

    A yurt is a portable , felt-covered , wood lattice-framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads .