
máo kǒnɡ
  • pore
毛孔 [máo kǒng]
  • (1) [pore]∶汗孔

  • (2) [trichopore]∶昆虫表皮上伸出感觉毛或刚毛的孔

  1. 她浑身上下每个毛孔都散发着性感。

    She oozes sexuality from every pore

  2. 他每个毛孔都在冒汗。

    He was sweating through every pore .

  3. 毛孔大小取决于其出油多少。

    The size of your pores is determined by the amount of oil they produce .

  4. 灰尘堵塞毛孔,从而生出粉刺。

    Dirt clogs the pores , causing spots

  5. 通过张开的毛孔排出汗液和污垢。

    Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt

  6. 往出汗的鼻子上扑粉只会堵塞毛孔,使皮肤更加不舒服。

    Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable

  7. 毛孔无须放大就可以看见。

    Pores are visible without magnification

  8. 汗从皮肤上的毛孔中渗出。

    Sweat exudes through the pores in the skin .

  9. 皮肤通过毛孔排泄汗液。

    Sweat is excreted through the pores of the skin .

  10. 汗从毛孔渗出。

    Sweat exudes through the pores .

  11. 身上的毛孔分泌汗液。

    The pores of your body secrete sweat .

  12. 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。

    Speedy comfort balance skin PH , shrink pore , availability intercede skin enginery .

  13. 功效:蕴含天然橙花萃取精华,性质温和,深层洁净毛孔,平衡肌肤PH值,令肌肤回复光泽、水润。

    Efficacy : Contains orange blossom essence , can in depth clean pore , balance PH value of skin , let skin restore luster and moistening .

  14. 结果表明,两性植物鞣剂使用pH值范围广,不易被空气氧化,具有明显的缩毛孔作用。

    It has been shown that amphoteric vegetable extract can be used in a wide range of pH value , can scarcely be oxidized in air and can shrink hair pores of pigskin .

  15. 功效:能高度亲和肌肤,清除毛孔内污垢,平衡肌肤PH值,令肌肤倍感清洁舒爽,带来充足清新感觉。

    Functions : It can integrate into the skin and remove the dirt in the pores , and balance the skin 's PH value , so as to make the skin clean and comfortable with a fresh sense .

  16. 强生集团品牌总监凯蒂?德克尔(KatieDecker)说:青少年真的渴望那种深到毛孔内部型的清洁。

    ' Teens really crave that deep-down-to-the-pores type clean , ' says Katie Decker , group brand director at Johnson Johnson .

  17. 毛孔堵塞导致的pimple皮肤中的黑色素腺体和油脂堵塞导致的zit

    Pimples are caused by blocked skin pores Zits are caused by clogged oil and melanin glands in the skin .

  18. 美容治疗师SarahChapman向VideoJug用户展示怎样护理干性皮肤。当你的皮肤感到紧绷,毛孔紧缩的时候,说明你的皮肤干燥。

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for dry skin , which occurs when your skin feels taught and has closed , tight pores .

  19. 油性皮肤通常会让你油光满面,毛孔粗大,布满黑头。在VideoJug的帮助下,你可以轻松应对这个问题。

    Oily skin is shiny and thick with open pores and blackhead , so learn how to combat this with VideoJug 's help .

  20. 强生集团品牌总监凯蒂?德克尔(KatieDecker)说:“青少年真的渴望那种深到毛孔内部型的清洁。”人们首次长痘的平均年纪是13岁。

    Teens really crave that deep-down-to-the-pores type clean , ' says Katie Decker , group brand director at Johnson & Johnson . The average age of the first breakout is 13 .

  21. 我们有详细说明我们的模型外观和如何添加的卷发,胡须和皮肤毛孔。我创建为我添加到模型的每一个细节的ZBrush层。

    We have a look at detailing our model and how to add the curls , the beard and the skin pores .

  22. 这并非某种新型水刑,而是丹尼斯医生(DrDennisGross)的蒸汽治疗仪(SteamerSolutions,售价125美元,目前仅美国市场有售),这款DIY护肤设备号称可以打开全身毛孔,使无光泽的皮肤恢复亮丽;

    No , this is not some new form of water torture but rather Dr Dennis Gross 's Steamer Solutions ( $ 125 , currently only available in the US ) , a DIY skincare device that promises to open my pores and restore brightness to my dull skin .

  23. 你需要每天涂抹SPF30的防晒霜,不仅可以有效防止皮肤癌,还能防止细纹、皱纹、毛孔粗大以及肤色不均等问题。

    You should be wearing an SPF 30 every day , not only to protect against skin cancer but to prevent fine lines , wrinkles , large pores , and uneven skin tone .

  24. 内含毛孔净化配方,具有维A的皮肤修复能力。

    Contains pore purifying ingredients plus the skin-renewing power of Vitamin A.

  25. 我的毛孔根据我的情感开合。

    My pores are opening and closing according to my emotions .

  26. 面膜主要用来清洁毛孔和收紧肌肤。

    Masks are used mainly to clean pores and tighten skin .

  27. 毛孔、釉疤的产生原因及克服方法

    The Reasons of Forming Pinholes and the Ways to Overcome Them

  28. 汗液通过皮肤上的小孔即毛孔排放出来。

    The sweat leaves your skin through tiny holes called pores .

  29. 同时也会使体内毒素从毛孔渗透出来

    It also flushes out any internal toxins through the pores .

  30. 消除及改善毛孔粗大、痤疮疤痕。

    Eliminate and enhance rough pore , acne and scar .