
  • 网络comparison principle;comparability principle;the principle of contrast
  1. 将锥值Lyapunov函数方法、变分Lyapunov函数方法和比较原则三者相结合,利用非摄动脉冲积分-微分系统和比较系统的稳定性质得到了脉冲摄动积分-微分系统稳定性质的若干结果。

    By employing the method of cone-valued Lyapunov functions , variational Lyapunov functions and comparison principle , several stability criterias for the impulsive perturbed integro-differential systems are established through the corresponding unperturbed integro-differential systems and the comparative systems .

  2. 研究了一阶积分微分方程的周期边值问题,在反向上下解的条件下,利用Fredholm定理和比较原则得到其极解的存在性。

    By using the Fredholm theorem and the comparison principle , the extremal solutions of first order integro-differential equation are obtained with lower and upper solutions in the reverse order .

  3. 具有依赖状态脉冲摄动微分系统的变分比较原则

    Comparison principle of perturbing differential system with impulses at variable times

  4. 但这两部法律对劳动合同变更规定得都比较原则。

    But two laws are principled on the items of alterations in labor contract .

  5. 然而,从四年多的实践来看,也暴露出不少缺陷和问题,最为突出的是:法定的扶持措施比较原则,缺乏配套的法规和规章;

    However , many problems and defects have exposed after 4 years ' practice .

  6. 我国立法中对禁止不利变更原则的规定则比较原则。

    Provisions prohibiting adverse changes to the principles of the comparison principle in our legislation .

  7. 日德两国都是在特别领域进行单行立法之后,再制定基本性、综合性的法律,并且其内容比较原则,为单行法的进一步发展留下空间;

    After the legislation in special field , basic and comprehensive law has been made in Japan and Germany ;

  8. 现有的法律规范及技术政策对高速公路广告设置方面的规定都比较原则性,没有具体的条款。

    Existing legal norms and Technology Policy Provides for the principle on highway advertising , There is no specific provisions .

  9. 法规规定比较原则,需要进一步明确具体含义的;

    The provisions in the regulation are considerably general , and the specific meaning of which needs to be further clarified ;

  10. 但婚姻法对该项内容的规定比较原则,且内容缺失较多,操作起来比较困难。

    But , due to the general provision of this system with too many defects , it is difficult to carry out .

  11. 基于比较原则,研究了一系列常用的三点格式并用数值算例验证了相关结论。

    Based on the comparison principle , a series of common three-point schemes are discussed and relevant conclusions are verified by numerical experiments .

  12. 针对传统的确定二者之界限的数学模型提出改进,确定了大修理与重置更新界限的比较原则与方法。

    This paper modifies traditional mathematic models differentiate between heavy overhaul and renewal . Some principles and methods are put forward to determine the limit .

  13. 由于受传统观念的影响,我国夫妻财产方面的立法起步较晚,而且比较原则和粗放;

    For the influence of traditional conceptions , the legislation of the couple 's joint property system is later in China than in some other countries .

  14. 研究了模糊复数值级数收敛的充分必要条件、收敛的判别准则和比较原则。

    On the other hand , the necessary and sufficient conditions for fuzzy complex series are discussed , for example , the criterion of the judgment and the corrective principle .

  15. 股东代表诉讼制度的立法还是比较原则、人们对其认识还有诸多不清楚之处是其重要原因之一。

    Shareholder litigation on behalf of the legislation is still relatively principle , there are still many people do not know their understanding of place is one of the important reasons .

  16. 但是由于我国对该制度的规定比较原则,缺少缺乏可操作性,从近几年的司法实践来看,该制度并没有真正发挥出其应有的作用和价值。

    However , due to the provisions of this system in our country are comparatively principled , and lack of maneuverability , so from the judicial practice in recent years , we can see that this system dose not really play its deserved role and value .

  17. 虽然1979年《刑法》对抢劫罪作了明文规定,但由于规定得比较原则,在司法实践中产生了不少认识上的差异。

    Though < < penal code > > to robs the guilt does original code regulation in 1979 is owing to the fact that the regulation must the comparison principle , difference on having given rise to a lot the administration of justice in the practice to know .

  18. 在技术跨越的前期,应该根据比较优势原则,通过FDI等方式引进技术能力要求低并且变迁速度慢的成熟技术,从成熟期进入;

    In the prophase of technological leapfrogging , based on the relative advantage principle , developing countries should introduce the mature technologies that evolve slowly and need low technological capabilities by FDI etc.

  19. 遵循比较优势原则,确立和提升旅游产业地位;

    Based on comparative advantage , confirm and promote the status of tourism ;

  20. 要使国际比较效益原则为我国国民经济发展战略服务

    Make the Principle of International Comparative Advantage Serve the Development Strategy of Our National Economy

  21. 我国产业结构的调整,必须遵循比较优势原则。

    The principle of comparative advantage should be observed in China 's industrial structural readjustment .

  22. 这种贸易是建立在比较优势原则上的。

    This kind of trade is to build up at compare the advantage is in principle .

  23. 以比较优势原则调整农业经济结构;

    ( c ) To make readjustment of economic structure in agriculture by using principle of relative advantage ;

  24. 根据比较优势原则,当每个人专职从事某种商品生产或服务时,总产出将会最大。返回辅导页。

    Total production of every good or service will be greatest when individuals specialize according to their comparative advantage .

  25. 长期坚持比较优势原则会给一国的经济发展带来许多负面影响,例如比较优势陷阱、出口贫困化增长等。

    It will take much bad influence if one country uses comparative advantage principle chronically , such as immiserizing growth etc.

  26. 长期以来,我国一直采用比较优势原则作为对外贸易的指导理论。

    For a long time , China has adopted the principle of comparative advantage as the guiding theory of foreign trade .

  27. 根据评价指数的大小对备选技术项目进行分析,确定按照比较优势原则应优先发展的项目。

    Analyzing the alternative technology projects to determine which projects should be given priority development in accordance with the comparative advantages principle .

  28. 贸易自由化以后我国农业部门应该基于比较优势原则进口土地密集型产品,出口劳动密集型产品,实现贸易交换的经济福利。

    Based on the principle of comparative advantage , we will import more land-intensive agri-productions and export labor-intensive productions to achieve economic welfare from liberal trade .

  29. 从经济学意义上讲,基础设施的提供应遵循比较优势原则,如果政府提供比市场提供更具有优势时,就应该由政府提供,如果政府在提供基础设施方面处于比较劣势,就应该转变政府职能。

    For economics sense , the provision of infrastructure should follow the principle of comparative advantage and provided by the side between government and market with more advantages .

  30. 开放经济条件下的贸易模式与产业结构之间存在着以比较优势原则为基础的互动转型关系。

    Under the condition of open economy , there is a relationship of mutual transformation based on the comparative advantage between the import-export trade pattern and the industrial structure .