
  • 网络A Sad Story Than Sadness;More Than Blue;Sadder Than Sad Story O.S.T.;Sadder Than Sad Story
  1. 新婚的演员权相佑又一次走进礼堂&这一次是与女演员李宝英在即将上映的电影《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》(暂名)。

    Newly wed actor Kwon Sang-woo was caught walking down the aisle once again ― this time with actress Lee Bo-young in the upcoming movie'A Sad Story ' ( working title ) .

  2. 《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》令人关注的另外一个原因在于三位主演对电影进行了投资。

    Sad Story'also drew attention because the three cast members invested in the production . 'I decided to invest my salary into the movie because I believe in the director 's script .