
dú chóng
  • poisonous insect;noxious insect;wog
毒虫 [dú chóng]
  • [wog] 一种有害的令人厌恶的生物

  • 蜘蛛、蜈蚣、甲虫和无数种其它毒虫

毒虫[dú chóng]
  1. 一个歹毒的人会变成蛇蝎,或者其他毒虫。

    A person with a poisonous mind becomes a snake or a scorpion , or some other poisonous insect .

  2. 毒虫和圣人先知没我活不下去。

    The scorpions and holy prophets can 't get on without me .

  3. 但是就华尔街看来,我们就是毒虫。

    But as far as wall street 's concerned , we 're toxic .

  4. 毒虫为何要攻击医疗体系?

    Why is the worm attacking medical facilities ?

  5. 安迪,我才不是毒虫。

    Andy , I don 't get stoned .

  6. 他绊了一下撞着了帕迪,便马上避开,好像被毒虫螫了一口。

    He stumbled against paddy , and shrank away as if the contact stung .

  7. 我才不是毒虫,昨晚而已。

    It was just last night .

  8. 端午节以雄黄涂抹小儿额头的习俗,可驱避毒虫。

    Drawing with realgar on forehead on the Dragon Boat Festival can ward off the vermin .

  9. 他尖叫一声跳起来,刚一有亮光,就看到那个害人毒虫正缩成一团,还想再扑过来。

    He jumped up yelling , and the first thing the light showed was the varmint curled up and ready for another spring .

  10. 第1、4代经卵带毒虫,还能分别引起早、晚稻再次侵染。以早栽双季晚稻和杂交晚稻发病最重,其主要感染期是在本田初期。

    The transovarial virus in 1st and 4th generations of congenital viruliferous insects can cause the second infection on early and late rice respectively .

  11. 感谢你的选举过后,毒虫政策精选啊,但我们又不住那些地方。

    Well , thank you for the stoner 's summary of the last election , but we don 't live in any of those places .

  12. 他们必因饥饿而衰弱,必为热症、毒疫所消灭;我还使尖牙的野兽和土中爬行的毒虫伤害他们。

    Emaciating hunger and consuming fever and bitter pestilence , And the teeth of wild beasts I will send among them , with the venom of reptiles gliding in the dust .

  13. 对连锁毒饵、非连锁毒饵的食毒虫尸和食毒粪便进行残留量分析与药效平行比较,作进一步验证。

    To analyze the content of active ingredient resident in the body and dejecta of the chain killing bait and non - chain killing bait , and to compare the efficacy with each other .