
zhènɡ ɡuī xùn liàn
  • formal training
  1. 我知道自己缺乏正规训练,因此有些紧张,但没想到设计负责人乔治哈格里夫斯(georgehargreaves)似乎很欣赏我这种非常规的方式。

    I was nervous and conscious of my lack of formal training but actually George Hargreaves , the design leader , seemed to appreciate my unconventional approach .

  2. 这一方面的正规训练可以引导他们获得认证。

    Formal training in this field leads to that certificate .

  3. 你会受到正规训练的,别担心。

    You 'll get the right training , never fear .

  4. 彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。

    Peter is a classically trained pianist .

  5. 有文秘的正规训练和PC电脑的熟练经验。

    Formal secretarial training and hands-on experience in PC.

  6. 经理人大多进行过系统学习和正规训练,个别优秀的会有MBA学位。

    Managers can also be formally trained and qualified , notably by earning an MBA .

  7. DS组和DSG组进行持续6周的正规训练,每周6天。

    DS group and group DSG having six weeks of continuous training , six days a week .

  8. 我们必须为中心配备受过正规训练的人员。

    We must staff the center with men with a formal training .

  9. 在没有任何正规训练的情况下,他开始拍摄电影。

    With no formal training , he started making films .

  10. 她根本没有接受过正规训练。

    She 's had no formal training at all .

  11. 正规训练中的政治工作;

    Political work in the period of regular training ;

  12. 我们两人谁都没受过正规训练。

    Neither of us has gone through regular training .

  13. 帮助护士完成任务的需要很少正规训练的人。

    Someone who assists a nurse in tasks that require little formal training .

  14. 弗拉特利11岁时被送往舞蹈学校接受正规训练。

    At age eleven , Flatley was sent to dance school for formal training .

  15. 这一份工作也是温斯洛在艺术领域所接受过的唯一一次正规训练。

    This work was the only formal training that Winslow ever received in art .

  16. 受过正规训练的护士十分缺乏。

    There is a shortage of trained nurses .

  17. 这种工作不需要任何正规训练。

    This job doesn 't require any training .

  18. 所有受试教师都认为在如何给出有效反馈方面缺乏正规训练。

    All of them state they lack formal training in how to give feedback effectively .

  19. 人员表示,职业自行车选手在开始正规训练之前,应该考虑先把的精子冷冻起来。

    Professional cyclists should consider freezing their sperm before embarking on their careers , say researchers .

  20. 学生从课堂上得到的正规训练和专业技巧,会通过演出加以发挥。

    Professional skills acquired , learnt primarily through formal training in class , are developed in performance .

  21. 用其他人的视角去看问题可能会产生极大的危险,如果你缺乏正规训练的话。

    It can be very dangerous to see things from somebody else 's point of view without the proper training .

  22. 未经正规训练的他们相携走来,傲视赛场,让大家称羡不已。

    Without formal training , they closely walked the way , despising the stadium , so that we admire greatly .

  23. 在民俗学专业的研究生教育中,获取田野资料和撰写田野报告,是一种理论兼技术上的正规训练。

    It is good training for the students to get fieldwork materials and write the reports in graduate education in folklore .

  24. 开始正规训练后不过几年,11岁的关颖珊就在全美青少年花样滑冰锦标赛中取得了第九名的成绩。

    Just a few years after beginning her formal training , the11-year old Kwan placed ninth at the United States Juniors tournament .

  25. 刘是一位受过正规训练的钢琴演奏者,他更喜欢谈论乐器的音乐价值而非投资价值。

    Mr. Liu , a classically trained pianist , felt more comfortable speaking about the musical aspects of the instruments than investment value .

  26. 而且,母亲完全无法与其他那些接受过正规训练并在战争年代能得到足够粮食补给的舞者竞争。

    My mother simply couldn 't compete with the other dancers who had received proper training as well as proper during the war years .

  27. 受试的音乐家必须至少从16岁就开始学习音乐,并接受过至少6年的正规训练。

    For the study , musicians had to be playing since at least age 16 , and have a minimum of six years formal training .

  28. 由于尚未接受任何正规训练,这些民兵无论作战技巧或意志都颇为低劣,但手中钩镰却攻防俱佳颇为致命。

    Not afforded the training of regular troops , these militia are neither particularly skilled or brave fighters , but their weapon is versatile and lethal .

  29. 他既没有鸟类学或动物学的学历,也没有受过野生动物保护的正规训练,看上去不像是个救助鸟类的人。

    Dubacher , a gregarious , ruddy-faced man , seems an unlikely savior of birds , having no degree in ornithology or zoology or formal training in wildlife care .

  30. 大量投资正在涌入中国旅游业,建设和翻新旅游景点与酒店。但即便如此,很多业内人士仍在哀叹难以招募到受过正规训练的员工。

    But even as investment pours in to building and refurbishing Chinese tourist attractions and hotels , many in the industry lament the difficulty of recruiting properly trained staff .