
  • 网络underlying stock;plus strand;positive strand
  1. 病毒外观呈现圆形或六角形,直径大约20~25nm,含有正股DNA的病毒粒子和负股DNA的病毒粒子的数目基本相等。

    The shape of virus presented round or hexagonal and the diameter of it approximately was 20-25 nm . The genome of GPV has the equal number of plus-strand DNA and minus-strand DNA in virion .

  2. 权证影响正股的定价效率吗

    Do Warrants Effect Pricing Efficiency of Underlying Stocks

  3. 截至昨日收盘,15只权证中,有11只权证的认股价格高出目前正股的股价。

    As of yesterday 's close , 15 warrant , the warrant has11 higher than the subscription price of shares of stock currently .

  4. 持权证的投资者不会获派正股股息,亦不会直接参予供股或红股。

    Investors in warrants do not receive the dividends paid on the underlying , nor or do they directly participate in rights or bonus issues .

  5. 如果投资人只分析单只认股权证的价格走势,不论正股价格的平贵而进行买卖,那就变成本末倒置的纯投机行为。

    If investors only of single-only the price of warrants , regardless of the prices of stocks are expensive and-trading , then head into the pure speculation .

  6. 以知情交易概率为研究手段,选择在2005年上市的权证及其正股为样本,采用分笔的高频交易数据考察了股票和权证市场信息非对称特征的差异。

    Based on high frequency transaction data of warrants before 2005 and underlying stocks , the asymmetry information characteristics difference between stocks and warrants is disclosed utilizing probability of informed trader .

  7. 他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。

    He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture .

  8. 亚洲企业正掀起一股投资西非农业的浪潮,最新这笔交易来自新加坡上市企业金光农业资源(GoldenAgri-Resources)。该公司表示,正积极评估参股一个22万公顷的项目。

    In the latest of a wave of proposed Asian agricultural investments in west Africa , Singapore-listed Golden Agri Resources said it was actively evaluating taking a share in a 220,000 - hectare project .

  9. 实际上,正是这股强大的势力促使一个世纪前伟大的共和党总统&泰迪罗斯福(TeddyRoosevelt)着手处理这一难题。

    In fact , it 's exactly this kind of vast power that led a great Republican President – Teddy Roosevelt – to tackle this issue a century ago .

  10. AbercrombieandKent旅游公司北京办事处的经理奥斯汀·朱(AustinZhu)说,在北京,精品酒店也正成为一股潮流。

    Boutique hotels are also becoming a trend in Beijing , said Austin Zhu , the manager of the Beijing office of the travel company Abercrombie and Kent .

  11. 日本旋风(太平洋的台风和大西洋的飓风)通常生成于南太平洋,它经常搭乘的正是那股把环球航行者沿日本东海岸送往旧金山的急流&台风盟军(TyphoonAlly)。

    Japanese cyclones typhoons in the Pacific , hurricanes in the Atlantic are normally spawned in the South Pacific and often travel up the same jet stream Typhoon ally that sent pioneering Circumnavigators along the east coast of Japan toward San Francisco .

  12. 这正是银行股上周五之所以大跌的原因所在。

    This is why bank shares fell so sharply on Friday .

  13. 主体间性理论的出现正是这股对话思潮的主要体现。

    The emerging of Intersubjective Theory comes from the thoughts of dialogue .

  14. 正是这股热情让她拨冗来到这里

    It is that passion that leads her to grace our stage here today

  15. 在我们面前,一台体形庞大的机器正冒出股股热气。

    In front of us , one of these hulking machines gives off heat .

  16. 正是这股烟使大地罩上一层薄雾,使天气变得温暖宜人。

    It was the smoke that made the land look hazy , warm and enjoyable .

  17. 二十一世纪,全球正掀起一股信息数字化的热潮。

    In the 21st century , the whole world is raising one " information digitization " upsurge .

  18. 环球资金正被这股高端网上零售热潮吸引,国内多家奢侈品网上商店近期都获得巨额注资。

    The high-end online retail bandwagon is drawing the attention of global capital . Recently , several luxury online stores have received big capital infusions .

  19. 然而,和其他不太幸运的地区一样,美国东部正遭遇一股从北方呼啸而下的冷空气。

    But in the eastern United States , like some other unlucky parts of the globe , Arctic air is swooping down from the north .

  20. 目前,在国家振兴装备制造业的政策指引下,全国正掀起一股高性能轴向柱塞泵的研制热潮。

    At present , following the national guide of revitalizing the equipment manufacturing industry , developing high-performance axial piston pump is becoming a hotpot all over the country .

  21. 正因为这股憨气,裁判官才放了他,认为把他放在查理大帝院里比关在隔离牢房里会得用些。

    It was in consequence of this laintive air that the magistrate had released him , thinking him more useful in the Charlemagne yard than in close confinement .

  22. 很多情况下表现为大股东及内部人对上市公司的超强控制,而正是国有股一股独大的股权结构也使得公司治理机制严重弱化。

    In many cases the performance of large shareholders and insiders of the super control of listed companies , and it was " due to the dominance of state-owned shares " of the ownership structure also makes a serious weakening of corporate governance .

  23. 城市轨道交通因其用地省、运量大等一系列优点而备受青睐,在缓解我国交通压力方面发挥着重要作用,我国正掀起一股新建轨道交通的热潮。

    Urban Rail Transit is favored for having a series of advantages , such as land saving , large volume . It plays an important role in easing traffic pressure , so it is very popular for cities to build it in China .

  24. 香港股市下跌,有传闻称,投资者正抛出市场权重股中国移动(chinamobile),买进固定线路运营商中国电信(chinatelecom)的股票。

    Hong Kong lost ground amid talk that investors were switching out of China Mobile , a market heavyweight , and into China Telecom , the fixed-line operator .

  25. 正是这两股大的利益集团之间的相互作用,使得Java行业既健康又诚实,充满希望,欣欣向荣。

    It 's the interplay between those two powerful interests that keeps the Java industry both healthy and honest , and hopefully thriving .

  26. 具体结论如下:Z指数对公司并购绩效具有显著的负效应;国家股比例与公司并购绩效呈显著正相关;流通股比例与公司并购绩效呈显著负相关。

    Specifically : the Z index has a significant negative effect on the performance of corporate M A ; proportion of state shares and corporate M A performance was a significant positive correlation ; the proportion of tradable shares and corporate performance is negatively correlated .

  27. 教保证券(kyobosecurities)分析师kimjin-sung表示:“随着消费者对廉价航空公司和高端服务的需求出现两极分化,它们正纷纷追赶这股潮流,瞄准短途国际航线。”

    Kim jin-sung , an analyst at Kyobo securities , said : " they are jumping on the bandwagon , targeting short-haul international routes as consumer demand for budget airlines and premium services is polarised . "

  28. 这时在美国政府内部,正涌现出一股强烈的舆论潮流。

    There was emerging a strong current of opinion in American Government circles .

  29. 唱红歌正成为中国一股新的时尚风暴。

    Singing red songs is becoming a new fashion storming all over China .

  30. 基于相关分析和回归分析发现,国有股持股比例与公司业绩显著正相关,流通股持股比例与公司业绩显著负相关,而非国有股法人持股比例则与公司绩效关系不显著。

    Proportion of shares owned by state or SOEs and by non-trade shareholders has positive relation to performance .