
  • 网络We are dating now;Dating Now
  1. 如果你正在恋爱中,想要一些浪漫和亲密感,这样的空间就很棒。

    It 's a great space to be in when you 're in a relationship and you want romance and intimacy .

  2. 2009年12月,《解放日报》公布了一项针对12所高等院校大学生的调查。结果显示,超过三分之一的大学生正在恋爱中。

    Over one-third of all college students are in a relationship , according to an October 2009 survey of students at 12 universities published by Jiefang Daily .

  3. 不管对方是正在恋爱中还是单身,男女都会被这些异性朋友所吸引;不论他们的感情状态如何,有吸引力的朋友就是有吸引力,没有的就是没有。

    Both men and women were equally attracted to romantically involved opposite-sex friends and those who were single ; hot friends were hot and not friends were not , regardless of their relationship status .

  4. 来自加拿大温尼伯大学的研究院贝弗利菲尔说:正在恋爱关系中的男女很少感到无聊,那是因为他们可以轻而易举地摆脱一段没有意思的恋爱关系。

    Researcher Beverley Fehr , of the University of Winnipeg in Canada , said : Those who are dating might experience less boredom because they can more readily extricate themselves from a relationship once boredom sets in .

  5. 在正在恋爱的女性中,14%的人称如果之前不喝几杯酒,就无法和伴侣有床第之欢。

    Fourteen per cent of women in a relationship said they couldn 't face sleeping with their partner unless they had a couple of glasses of wine beforehand .