
gē hóu
  • singing voice;singers voice
歌喉 [gē hóu]
  • [singers voice] 指唱歌人的音色,也指歌声

  • 歌喉婉转

歌喉[gē hóu]
  1. 她有一副很好的歌喉。

    She has a good singing voice .

  2. 这个姑娘有一副悦耳的歌喉。

    This girl has a pleasant singing voice .

  3. 她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。

    She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality .

  4. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。

    She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range .

  5. 一位客人转向他旁边的男士,想评论一下一位女士的歌喉,这位女士正在试图取悦客人们。

    One of the guests turned to a man by his side to criticize the singing of the woman who was trying to entertain them .

  6. 有这样一个人,他的声音不怎么样,但练歌房却很好,他经常在房间里练歌,因为房间的回音使他的歌声显得非常好听。他对误以为真,觉得自己必须在剧院里向公众一展他的歌喉。

    A man that had a very course voice , but an excellent musique-room , would be still practicing in that chamber , for the advantage of the echo .

  7. 听到这闻所未闻的美妙歌喉,薛谭连忙向秦青道歉,请求老师留下自己继续学习。

    Hearing the dulcet3 voice that he had never heard before , . Xue Tan apologized to his teacher immediately , and pleaded his master to let him stay there to continue his study .

  8. 自卡拉OK机1971年问世以来,已发展成为产值达数十亿美元的行业。卡拉OK由日本一名俱乐部键盘手井上大佑发明,当年他在为一位想在公司旅游时一展歌喉的顾客提供音乐伴奏时突发奇想,发明了卡拉OK机。

    Karaoke has turned into a multibillion-dollar industry since being invented in 1971 by Daisuke Inoue , a Japanese club keyboardist looking to provide music for a customer who wanted to sing on a company trip .

  9. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  10. 歌喉柔美的具有轻柔歌音和适中音域的嗓音的。

    Having a singing voice of light volume and modest range .

  11. ,山毛榉的绿荫,遮蔽了万物,放开歌喉,歌唱夏天。

    and shadows numberless , Singest of summer in full-throated ease .

  12. 微寒却不刺骨,靓鸟歌喉嘹亮。

    Cold doth not sting , the pretty birds do sing .

  13. 我记得上学时她有一副优美的歌喉。

    I remember at school she had a lovely singing voice .

  14. 那歌手美丽的歌喉吸引住了观众。

    The beauty of the singer 's voice enthralled the audience .

  15. 他有一副很好的、无比温柔和深沉的歌喉。

    He had a fine singing voice , uniquely gentle and deep .

  16. 注射完成后,两组金丝雀都开始一展歌喉。

    After treatment , both groups of canaries began singing .

  17. 日落、她的歌喉、诗作之美

    The beauty of the sunset , of her singing , of poetry

  18. 我还以为他说他不好意思一展歌喉呢。

    I thought he said he was shy about singing ?

  19. 那高亢的歌喉,震颤了路旁的树木;

    His resounding voice shook the trees along the road ;

  20. 成年人们在展现他们的优美歌喉。

    The Chinese School Adult Choir displaying their vocal talents .

  21. 我现在也有种要一展歌喉的冲动。

    I am also overwhelmed by the impulse t break into song .

  22. 她那歌喉的魅力令观众陶醉。

    The charm of her voice enchanted the audience .

  23. 还有比如山裸鼻雀,外表既华丽又有动听的歌喉。

    Some , like the mountain tanager , are both dashing and melodious .

  24. 啊,当它们醒来歌喉多美妙:

    O blissful they sing when they awake :

  25. 她有一副非常好的歌喉。

    She has a remarkably fine singing voice .

  26. 如果夜莺有你这般歌喉。

    If the nightingales could sing like you .

  27. 协调的颜色、悦耳的歌喉。

    A pleasing colour scheme , singing voice .

  28. 寇老师是我们的班主任,他也给我们献了歌喉。

    Kou is our math teacher , he also presented a voice to us .

  29. 他有一个极好的歌喉。

    He have a superb singing voice .

  30. 最低沉的成年男子的歌喉。

    The lowest adult male singing voice .