
yù wàng
  • desire;need;lust;wish;sexual desire
欲望 [yù wàng]
  • (1) [desire]∶对能给以愉快或满足的事物或经验的有意识的愿望

  • (2) [lust]∶强烈的向往

  • (3) [sexual desire]∶肉欲或性欲

欲望[yù wàng]
  1. 追逐地位的欲望可以成为强大的动力。

    Desire for status can be a powerful motivator .

  2. 见到他进入房间会让她心中欲望澎湃。

    The sight of him entering a room could flood her with desire .

  3. 他依然对她有欲望。

    He still desired her .

  4. 格芬的成功欲望似乎永无止境。

    Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless .

  5. 他的创造欲望已被他的政治负罪感扼杀了。

    His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt .

  6. 一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望。

    A really good catalogue can also whet customers ' appetites for merchandise .

  7. 报复的欲望有时会压倒一切。

    The desire for revenge can be overpowering .

  8. 这段时间大家都减少了出游的欲望,美国人尤其如此。

    Everyone is more reluctant to travel these days , not least the Americans .

  9. 是弗雷德对浮华、奢靡生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远。

    It was Fred 's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart .

  10. 咄咄逼人的男人让我完全没有欲望。

    Aggressive men turn me off completely .

  11. 我把这点理解为想把每个艾滋病病毒携带者都关起来的疯狂欲望。

    I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV .

  12. 他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。

    He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component .

  13. 他们受到欲望的驱使。

    They were actuated by desire

  14. 她说,所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望。

    All people , she said , lived their lives in bondage to hunger , pain and lust .

  15. 想要表现自我的欲望和被迫从众的压力对她来说是一个最主要的冲突。

    The conflict between the urge for self-expression and the pressure to conform is a central one for her

  16. 我们应该满足儿童的求知欲望。

    We should gratify a child 's thirst for knowledge .

  17. 她的伙伴们有强烈的获胜欲望。

    Her partners have a strong desire to win .

  18. 人们的欲望不该过分。

    The lust of men must not be overdone .

  19. 他们的扩张欲望有增无减。

    Their desire for expansion has increased .

  20. 要超越凡人的欲望是不容易的。

    It is not easy to rise above ordinary desires .

  21. 多数孩子都有强烈的求知欲望。

    Most children have an appetite for learning .

  22. 人的欲望是漫无止境的。

    Human desires know no bounds .

  23. 这个系列是关于身体的奢华、畸零、欲望、混乱、宿命还有死亡。

    This series of photographs is about physical luxury , loneliness , desire , confusion , foreordination and death .

  24. 我们都经验到各种不同类型的经验,包括知觉,想象,思想,情感,欲望,意志和行为。

    We all experience various types of experience including perception , imagination , thought , emotion , desire , volition , and action .

  25. 在去年发表的一顼研究中,心理学家创造了一个术语“工作场所远程压力”,来描述员工想要立即回复邮件的强烈欲望,和想要立即回复老板、同事或客户电子邮件的痴迷。

    In a study published last year , psychologists coined the term " workplace telepressure " to describe an employee 's urge to immediately respond to emails and engage in obsessive thoughts about returning an email to one 's boss , colleagues or clients .

  26. 人类的生活是由体验快乐的欲望支配的。

    Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy .

  27. 同样,研究者说,看到垃圾食品就能刺激人们吃的欲望。

    Similarly , the researchers say , being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to eat it .

  28. 莱斯利在书中某处写道:“谷歌的目的是完全免除你好奇的欲望。”

    Elsewhere in the book , Leslie writes : " Google aims to save you from the thirst of curiosity altogether . "

  29. “对于这一发现的解释之一就是,不确定的奖励也许比确定的奖励在情感上更能激发人们的欲望,”雷曼说。

    " One explanation for this finding is that possible awards may be more emotionally provoking than certainty awards , " says Reimann .

  30. 她这样做并不是要把你逼疯;相反,她正在学习,她的欲望和你的欲望可以不同,有时这些不同很重要,有时却不重要。

    She is not doing this to drive you crazy ; rather , she is learning that her desires and yours can differ , and that sometimes those differences are important and sometimes they are not .