
  1. 90年代女性个人化写作原生态地展现了欲望时代当代女性的生存困境。

    Female individualistic writing naturally depicts the living dilemma of the contemporary female .

  2. 欲望时代的文学教育

    The Literary Education in the Desire Times

  3. 作为国际知名饮料品牌,激浪传递出这样一种概念,即年轻人应该勇敢的去探索更加刺激的方式去释放压抑的激情和欲望而不是被时代和世俗所困。

    As a celebrated cultural brand , Mountain Dew conveys kind of image that young people should find more exciting ways to express their desires and appeals rather than simply comply with authority in nation .