
lěng jiàn
  • sniper's shot;an arrow shot from hiding;sneak attack
冷箭 [lěng jiàn]
  • [arrow shot from hidding;sniper's shot;sneak attack] 乘人不防暗地射出的箭,比喻暗地设计害人

  • 煽阴风,放冷箭

冷箭[lěng jiàn]
  1. 在社会上我们要时常提防冷箭伤人。

    In society we should always guard against the sniper 's shot .

  2. 他就会背后放冷箭,真让人火大。

    He often stabs people in the back , which enrages me .

  3. 一天,趁着后羿不注意,用冷箭将后羿杀死。

    One day , Feng Meng murdered Hou Yi with a arrow shot from hiding .

  4. 背后会有人放冷箭。

    You all have targets on your back .

  5. 不过卑怯而狡猾的懦夫则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。

    But base and crafty cowards , are like the arrow that flieth in the dark .

  6. 当我们做一些前人没做过的事情时,也许有人会放冷箭。

    If we do something which is pioneering , may be we will get arrows in the back .

  7. 突施冷箭开枪射击,然后炸毁女子学校,威胁着要杀害挡住他们去路的任何人。

    Forcing shot , then blowing up girls ' schools , threatening to kill anyone who stood in their way .

  8. 西蒙斯有着6英尺10英寸高的身材,可以更频繁地在挡拆中做掩护,或者突施冷箭,或者接球突破。

    Simmons , with an already-chiseled 6-foot-10 physique , could be used more frequently as a screener on the roll , or pop for a shot , or catch and drive .