
  • 网络middle ages;The Dark Ages
  1. 欧洲中世纪的手稿中满是有关奇迹的记载。

    The manuscripts of the dark ages are littered with accounts of miraculous happenings .

  2. 欧洲中世纪城市法律制度中的罗马因素探析

    The Analysis on the Roman Factors of City Lega System in the European Dark Ages

  3. 笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是跨国商法或商人习惯法。

    The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

  4. 欧洲中世纪盛期拓殖运动的社会经济意义

    Europe the Prime of the Middle Ages the Movement of Colonization

  5. 乔叟与欧洲中世纪后期悲剧精神的复苏

    Chaucer and the Revival of Tragic Spirit in Late Medieval Europe

  6. 欧洲中世纪大学:历史描述与分析

    Medieval Universities of Western Europe : A Historical Description and Analysis

  7. 哥特式建筑风格代表了欧洲中世纪艺术的最高成就。

    Gothic-style architecture represents the highest achievements of European medieval art .

  8. 欧洲中世纪基督教神学文化形成的原因

    The Cause for Emergence of European Christian Science in Middle Ages

  9. 欧洲中世纪大学对近代科学的影响

    On the influences of the Medieval European universities on modern science

  10. 欧洲中世纪基督教文献的文化指向

    The Christian Documents ' Culture Sides in Middle Ages of Europe

  11. 欧洲中世纪一部最流行的非宗教类作品&《曼德维尔游记》的文本生成、版本流传及中国形象综论

    The Most Popular Unreligious Works in Middle Ages of Europe

  12. 现代大学起源于欧洲中世纪。

    Modern colleges and universities originated during the Middle Ages .

  13. 欧洲中世纪大学对现代高等教育的启示与借鉴

    Universities in Medieval Europe : Enlightenment and Reference to Modern Higher Education

  14. 欧洲中世纪文学象征思想及其特征

    The Symbolic Thought and Its Characteristics in European Literature of Middle Ages

  15. 欧洲中世纪法兰克王国历史地位评析

    The Analysis on the Historical Place of Frank Kingdom in Medieval Europe

  16. 在欧洲中世纪,魔法的迷信非常流行。

    During the Middle Ages , nearly all Europeans believed in magic .

  17. 欧洲中世纪宗教文化对西洋服饰的影响

    The Effect of Medieval European Religion on Western Clothing

  18. 欧洲中世纪时期,骑士是步兵中的最高头衔。

    Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages .

  19. 欧洲中世纪大学的迁移及其影响

    The Migration of European Medieval Universities and its Influence

  20. 他是欧洲中世纪历史上的有名的人物。

    He is a famous history figure of the Middle Ages in Europe .

  21. 骑士文学是欧洲中世纪特有的文学形式。

    The knight literature is the special literary style in the Middle Ages .

  22. 地理大发现是欧洲中世纪史上的一个重要事件。

    The geographical discovery was an important event in the Middle Ages Europe .

  23. 现代商法是由欧洲中世纪的商人法演进发展而来的。

    The modern commercial law is come form medieval law merchant of the European .

  24. 欧洲中世纪盛期的拓殖运动意义重大。

    The movement of colonization of Europe in the Middle Ages has great significance .

  25. 这种传统为欧洲中世纪技术的缓慢进步提供了前提条件。

    This tradition provided prior condition for the technical slow progress of Middle Ages .

  26. 走向新教育欧洲中世纪的教育

    Move towards New Education Education in Medieval Europe

  27. 欧洲中世纪条纹服装现象分析

    Analysis to Appearance of Stripe Pattern on Garment in the Middle Ages of Europe

  28. 浅析基督教会在欧洲中世纪大学兴起中的作用

    A Research on the Effect of the Church on the Development of Medieval Universities

  29. 宗教对中国书院与欧洲中世纪大学影响之比较

    A Comparative Study Between Chinese College and Medieval University on the Basis of Religion

  30. 骑士的培养与比武赛会&略谈欧洲中世纪体育的隐秘延续

    Cultivation of knight and military skill competition & Secrete continuing of European medieval sports