
  • 网络Joyfully;Proimudita
  1. Clifford又满心欢喜地去帮他的忙了!

    Clifford is glad to help him !

  2. 多比既伤心又欢喜地呻吟着,多么高贵!

    moaned Dobby in a kind of miserable ecstasy . So noble !

  3. 他满心欢喜地回家了。

    He went back home , full of joy .

  4. 路人带着这好运,满心欢喜地离开了。

    The traveler left rejoicing in his good fortune .

  5. 你在2012年有一个创造性的角色要扮演,要满心欢喜地完成一个灵魂契约。

    You have a'creative'role to responsibly enact in2012 , a soul-contract to lovingly complete .

  6. 讲座结束后,来宾们欢喜地享用美味素食餐点。

    After the video seminar , guests joyfully partake in a delicious , free vegetarian buffet .

  7. 温迪欢喜地跳起舞来,就像达林太太真会那么跳过似的。

    Wendy had danced with joy , just as the real Mrs. Darling must have done .

  8. 她的眼睛虽然治不好了,但他还是满心欢喜地娶了她。

    Although her eyes Zhibu Hao , but he was still full of joy to marry her .

  9. 他满心欢喜地回去睡觉,从此便长眠不醒。

    Deeply satisfied , he went back to sleep , and awoke no more in this life .

  10. “餐厅桌子上还给你留了一片呢。”她满心欢喜地告诉他。

    " There 's a slice for you on the dining-room table ," she informed him , joyously .

  11. 精勤是欢喜地把修行应用在日常生活中,不要盲目精勤,不要把修行当压力。

    Joyful to apply practice in daily life is called Diligence , not blind diligence , no burden .

  12. 一位学员满心欢喜地写下评语,将其经历描述为我一生中接受过的最棒教育!

    Comments from one happy participant described the experience as the best education I have received in my life !

  13. 慢游让你满心欢喜地在印度这片大地上漫步,而这也正是旅行的意义所在。

    Slow travel allows you to roam around India in delight , which is what travelling should be all about .

  14. 虽然耶汉?达斯每天几乎三餐不继,他仍满心欢喜地把小孩养大。

    Though Jehan Daas had very little food to eat every day , he brought up the child with pleasure .

  15. 他表示,中国买方透露出的信息是,他们会留下所有员工,意图简单明了,让人满心欢喜地接受安排。

    The buyer 's message that it would keep all staff " was extremely simple and well received ", he says .

  16. 那好,要是我不能来这儿,林顿可以去画眉山庄去看我,凯茜满心欢喜地出主意道。

    ' Well , if I can 't come here , Linton can come to visit me at the Grange , suggested Cathy happily .

  17. 人们大笑,欢喜地在椅子上摇摆,疯傻地摇头,对着天花板发呆,相互胡言乱语地嘀咕着。

    They laughed , rocked back in their chairs , shook their heads , stared at the ceiling and muttered oaths to each other .

  18. 如果我们知道死亡和我们一样满心欢喜地迎接和祝福这个生命的来临,我们是否对它会有完全不同的感悟?

    Will it be different if we know for certain that Death has welcomed this new life with as much joy and blessing as us ?

  19. 其实他何不转身把售票当作棋谱和外语呢,满心欢喜地把自己释放出来。

    Actually , he could have looked on his job as a chess book or a foreign language and gleefully released himself from the prison .

  20. 你是否无条件地、经常性地、慷慨地、不期望回报地和满心欢喜地布施?

    Just answer this question : Do you give freely , regularly , generously , with no expectation of return and with a joyous heart ?

  21. 不管你被哪里录取,我们都会满心欢喜地为你庆祝——而且你对结果越是满意,我们就越高兴。

    We will celebrate with joy wherever you get accepted - and the happier you are with those responses , the happier we will be .

  22. 餐桌上的15分钟里,她都坐在我对面,看着我,听我讲话。30年后,我还会满心欢喜地忆起那些时光。

    She sat across the table for about 15 minutes and looked at me and listened to me and three decades later I remember those times with fondness .

  23. 也就在那天,面对我的求婚,你深深凝望我的眼睛,答应做我的新娘,而我早已欢喜地大喊大叫。

    I asked you to marry me the very same day and I whooped with joy when you looked deep into my eyes and said yes to being my bride .

  24. 也就在那天,面对我的求婚,你深深凝望我的眼睛,答应做我的新娘,而我早已欢喜地振臂高呼。

    I asked you to marry me the very same day and I whooped with joy when you looked deep into my eyes and said yes to be my bride .

  25. 和世界其它地方的工程师一样,澳大利亚的工程师满心欢喜地把水坝、河堰和水闸散布在墨累-达令流域,而不顾忌它们给下游所可能带来的影响。

    Like their counterparts elsewhere in the world , Australian engineers gaily pockmarked the basin with dams , weirs and locks , with little thought for what that would do downstream .

  26. “谢谢。”爱德蒙友好地点一下头说。于是这对情人便又平静而又欢喜地继续走他们的路去了。

    " Thank you ," said Edmond with a friendly nod , and the two lovers continued on their way , as calm and joyous as if they were the very elect of heaven .

  27. 这一点,不会因为录取官对你的将来做了什么决定而有任何改变。不管你被哪里录取,我们都会满心欢喜地为你庆祝&而且你对结果越是满意,我们就越高兴。

    That will not change based on what admissions officers decide about your future . We will celebrate with joy wherever you get accepted & and the happier you are with those responses , the happier we will be .

  28. 那里记载父怎样呼召祂的儿子,基督如何欢喜快乐地回应。

    Read there how the Father called the Son and how Christ gladly and wonderfully responded .

  29. 天使是他的仆役,被赎的人是他的珍宝,都欢喜快乐地昼夜服侍他。

    Angels are his courtiers , the redeemed his favourites , and all delight to serve him day and night .

  30. 记者问她有没有什么玩具,她立刻欢喜起来地拿出两个塑料小人和一朵绸做的小花。

    Asked if she has any toys , she brightened and showed off two tiny plastic figurines and a single silk flower .