
yīng huā
  • sakura;oriental cherry;cherry blossom
樱花 [yīng huā]
  • [oriental cherry;cherry blossom] 李属(Prunus)的几种灌木或乔木,花白色或粉红色,栽培供观赏,原产于中国

樱花[yīng huā]
  1. 樱花NSS-O系列高温灭菌器常见故障排除与维护

    Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Sakura NSS-O High-temperature Sterilizer

  2. 樱花在万花丛中就像武士在人群中。

    The sakura is among flowers as the samurai among crowd .

  3. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。

    The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year .

  4. 我喜欢樱花。

    I like cherry blossoms .

  5. 他们都去观赏樱花了。

    They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms .

  6. 樱花盛开。

    The oriental cherry is in full blossom .

  7. 华盛顿樱花骑行之旅

    Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington , D . C .

  8. 在位置订满和樱花凋谢之前提前预定好您的位置!

    Reserve your spot before availability — and the cherry blossoms — disappear !

  9. 这个小型团体自行车之旅能以一种奇妙的方式游览华盛顿特区著名的樱花树,以及绽放的美丽樱花。

    This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington , D . C .

  10. 我将林中去漫步,樱花若雪枝头妍。

    About the woodlands I will go To see the cherry hung with snow .

  11. 樱花盛开标志着春天的到来,反映了大自然稍纵即逝的美丽。

    The blossom marks the arrival of spring and reflects the transient beauty of nature .

  12. 让我们从樱桃树上摘下一株美丽的樱花。

    Let us pluck one of the pretty white flowers with which each cherry-tree is covered .

  13. 在日本,观赏樱花是数百年来广受喜爱的消遣活动。

    In Japan , viewing cherry blossom is a pastime that 's been enjoyed for centuries .

  14. 曾几何时,这株樱花还只是一个绿色小球般的花蕾。

    Once this flower was only a bud , and then it looked like a little green ball .

  15. 樱花的香味沁人心脾,能吸引许多昆虫飞来收集花蜜。

    The perfume of the cherry-blossom is very delightful2 , and it attracts many insects looking for honey .

  16. 在日本首都东京,樱花在3月22日达到了全盛,这是有记录以来第二早的盛花期。

    And in the capital Tokyo , cherry blossoms reached full bloom on March 22 , the second-earliest date on record .

  17. 青野指出,京都市中心的樱花在3月26日达到全盛,这是1200多年来最早的一次。

    In the central city of Kyoto , cherry blossoms peaked on March 26 , the earliest in more than 1200 years , Aono said .

  18. 樱花的中部就是种皮,外形像一个绿色小囊,花柱从这里向外生长。

    In the centre of the cherry-flower is the seed-vessel , which looks like a little green bag , with a long point called the style rising from it .

  19. 樱花花期每年都不同,取决于天气、雨水等诸多因素,但是总体趋势是越来越早。

    The peak bloom dates shift every year , depending on numerous factors including weather and rainfall , but have shown a general trend of moving earlier and earlier .

  20. 古往今来,僧侣、贵族和官员们都对樱花树的开花日期有所记载。这些数据非常详细,而且可以追溯到很久以前,从而让科学家们能够重组几个世纪前日本的气候数据。

    Down the ages , records of when the trees bloom have been kept by monks and goes back so far , it 's allowed scientists to reconstruct Japan 's climate in centuries past .

  21. 观察一下野生玫瑰、草莓以及苹果的花朵,就会发现,它们的结构与樱花非常相似。

    If you look at the flowers of the wild rose , of the strawberry , and of the apple , you will find that they are all very much like the flower of the cherry .

  22. 那时,樱花怒放,树枝上银装素裹。很快,飘落的樱花掉在树下的草地上,好像一层美丽的白雪。

    The trees are then covered with white blossoms , which make the branches look as if a shower of snow had fallen on them . Soon the grass below is also white with the falling blossoms .

  23. 人们举办赏花会来庆祝,蜂拥到热门景点拍照,在樱花树下野餐。但是今年,樱花季眨眼之间来了又去,花期前所未有地早。科学家警告说,这预示着更大规模威胁各地生态系统的气候危机即将到来。

    But this year , cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye , in one of the earliest blooms on record -- and scientists warn it 's a symptom of the larger climate crisis threatening ecosystems everywhere .

  24. 9.Cherryblossoms樱花樱花是日本最为珍贵的花,看上去也极为美丽。

    The most treasured flowers in Japan , cherry blossoms are truly wonderful to look at .

  25. NaH2PO4及NAA对樱花试管苗壮苗培养的影响

    Effect of NaH_2PO_4 and NAA on Test-Tude Plant of Orient Cherry During Cultivation

  26. 精致而娇弱的樱花沿公园的河畔小径绽放,欣赏这稍纵即逝之美的同时,从那里还能看到东京晴空塔(TokyoSkytree)的全貌,这是目前世界最高的塔,高2080英尺(约634米)。

    The delicate blossoms " fleeting beauty blooms along the park 's riverside all é e , which also offers unobstructed views of the futuristic 2080-foot-tall Tokyo Skytree , currently the world 's tallest tower .

  27. 将樱花的无菌小苗接种于含NaH2PO4和NAA对樱花无菌苗的生长均有明显的促进作用。

    The germfree young plant of Oriental Cherry were inoculated in medium which had NaH2PO4 and NAA so that promoted the growth of the young plant .

  28. 樱花扦插不易生根,但一定浓度的NAA、IBA或ABT生根剂处理,并保持插床较高空气湿度可大大提高成活率。

    The rooting rate of current year shoots was increased obviously treatment with IBA , NAA or ABT in different levels of concentrations and keeping high humidity of air .

  29. 如果你来东京时正赶上短暂的樱花季,可以去浅草区(Asakusa)的隅田公园(SumidaPark)走一走。

    If your visit to the city happens to coincide with the brief cherry blossom season , tack on a walk through Sumida Park in Asakusa .

  30. 在国会支持者的帮助下,他们购买一艘名为“樱花一号”(no.1cherryblossom)的船只,并将旅行称为渔民培训,从而绕过了日本海上保安厅对进入该水域的限制。

    With help from supporters in the diet , they were able to get around Coast Guard restrictions on access to the area by buying a boat , the No. 1 cherry blossom , and describing the trips as fisherman training .