
  • 网络horizontal version;Landscape
  1. 一算横版飞行射击手游!画面不错!运行速度很流畅。

    A horizontal version count outbound flight shooters ! Good picture ! Speed is very smooth .

  2. 《时空幻境》是一款制作精良的有趣的横版过关游戏,绝对值得一玩。

    Braid is an enjoyable platform with a high-quality polish , and it 's definitely worth playing .

  3. 《时空幻境》本质上是一款横版过关游戏,你需要在不同的世界中穿越、收集道具并躲避敌人;

    Braid is a platform at heart , requiring you to move through different worlds , collecting items and dodging enemies ;