
héng gàng
  • Horizontal bar;rod;whiffletree;whippletree;whipptree
横杠[héng gàng]
  1. 请注意这里的小横杠,说明这不是一个准确的微分。

    And this little slash here means an in inexact differential .

  2. 杠铃片:穿在横杠上构成重量的单个的圆形片。

    Disc : An individual cylindrical weight on the bar .

  3. 我的脚弓不仅还残留着痛伤,它也残留着梯子横杠的挤压。

    My instep arch not only keeps the ache , It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round .

  4. 汤姆把头撞在突出来的铁横杠土,不得不在头上缝了6针。

    Tom knocked his head on the protruding iron bar and had to have six stiches in it .

  5. 看看他窗户上安装的横杠、钢筋加固的门以及闭路电视遭监控的警示牌,就不会再对他的说法有啥异议。

    Looking at the window bars , the steel-reinforced door and the sign warning of CCTV surveillance , it is hard to demur .

  6. 为了测试可预料的刺激,会在屏幕的另一位置出现第三根闪耀的横杠,与前面两根稳定闪耀横杠所产生的幻觉相合拍。对于不可预料的刺激就会出现不同步。

    To test a predictable stimulus , a third bar would appear in a position timed to fit in with the illusion of smooth movement .

  7. 梯子的横杠从来不是用来休息的,只是为了在一只脚迈向更高一格时,另一只脚可以有个支撑点。

    The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon , but only to hold a man 's foot long enough to put the other somewhat higher .

  8. 根据程度不同,信息所显示的符号也不同(一个蓝色圆圈,一个黄色三角形,或者中间带一横杠的红色圆圈)。

    Depending on the severity , a different symbol is shown for the message ( a blue circle , a yellow triangle , or a red circle with a cross inside ) .

  9. 此外,生产公司的名称被雕刻在自行车横杠上,自行车的型号标识利用金叶嵌入一块皮革上,粘贴在自行车的前部。

    The Aurumania logo appears stylishly along the crossbar while its crowning glory is the limited-edition number discreetly embossed with gold leaf and set into a leather badge placed prominently on the front of the bike .

  10. 探讨横腭杠(TPA)在不同位置上对磨牙压底的效果。

    The effect of transpalate anchorage ( TPA ) on molar intrusion in different positions is explored .

  11. 不料标普公司横插一杠:他们调低美国信用评级的举动把美元打回原型,继续下跌。

    The impact was spoiled when Standard & Poor 's cut America 's credit rating , sending the dollar back down .