
hénɡ duàn shān mài
  • mountain range running east-west;name of a mountain range in Sichuan and Yunnan
  1. 横断山脉为南北走向。

    The Hengduan Mountains run from north to south .

  2. 高分辨率星载干涉SAR技术为我国测绘困难区域如横断山脉地区获取数字高程模型(Digitalelevationmodel,DEM)提供了可能。

    High-resolution spaceborne InSAR technology provides possibilities to extract digital elevation model ( DEM ) from Difficult Mapping Areas such as Hengduan Mountains .

  3. 小凉山地区地处横断山脉东侧。

    Small forest Liang Shan area is located in traverse mountain chain east side .

  4. 卡瓦格博峰是横断山脉之上的王冠也是圣洁朝圣者旅途的一站

    Kawakarpo , crown of the Hengduan range , is a site of holy pilgrimage .

  5. 元江河谷是我国云南省横断山脉中的干热河谷之一,属于热带半干旱河谷气候类型。

    The Yuanjiang River valley is one of the dry-and-hot valleys in the Hengduan mountains of Yunnan province .

  6. 横断山脉北部林麝的种群生态研究

    A study on the population ecology of forest musk deer ( moschus berezovskii ) at the north of Hengduan Mountains

  7. 中国秦岭以南、横断山脉以东为蜡梅科植物的现代分布中心。

    We considered that the current distribution center was from the South of Qinling Mountains to the East of Hengduan Mountains .

  8. 喜马拉雅横断山脉是天南星属的分布中心和分化中心兼论天南星属的起源和扩散

    Himalayas-Hengduan mountains-the centre of distribution and differentiation of the genus Arisaema - to discuss the problems about the origin and migration of this genus

  9. 三江并流保护区位于横断山脉腹地,是我国目前面积最大的国家级风景名胜区和世界自然遗产地。

    Located in the hinterland of Hengduan Moutain , The Three Parallel Rivers is the largest national grade scenic area and the world heritage .

  10. 昌都是雪域高原的另一个世界,是锁在横断山脉深处的一片净土,孕育着神秘、恢弘、古老而独特的高原文明。

    With its mysterious impressive , ancient and unique civilization , Changdu is a quiet place located in the deep of the Wang of the mountains .

  11. 但二郎山为横断山脉一部分,地形地貌相当复杂,是最具生物多样性地区之一,尚需深入研究。

    Erlang Mountain belongs to the Hengduan Mountain area , and the topography and landforms are complex , the biological diversity is rich , the Calyptratae should be deeply researched in this area .

  12. 在世界屋脊上修公路谈何容易,需要翻越多座横断山脉的大山和多条汹涌、刺骨的江河。

    Easier said than done on building roads in the roof of the world , more than a dozen mountain range to climb the mountain and a number of rough , biting rivers .

  13. 本属为温带地理成份,横断山脉地区是其分布中心和分化中心,但不是起源中心,其起源时间至少可追朔到早白垩世,属温带起源。

    The Hengduan Mountains are regarded as centers of distribution and differentiation , but not origin of the genus . The genus possibly originated in the Early Cretaceous and the origin center of it was possibly boreal in temperate flora .

  14. 本区应划归横断山脉植物地区、川西北甘西南青东南小区,并作为横断山脉植物地区与华北植物地区、黄土高原亚地区的分区界线。

    The region should be divided into the vegetation area of Hengduan Mountains and sub district of Northwest of Sichuan , Southwest of Gansu and Southeast of Qinghai , which was the boundary line of floristic district of the Hengduan Mountains , North China and subdistrict of the Loess plateau .

  15. 贡嘎山位于青藏高原东南缘横断山系大雪山脉中段,主峰海拔高7556m。

    The Gongga Mountain is located on the southeast fringe of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau , i. e. the middle part of the Great Snow Mountain Range of the Hengduan Mountain Ranges .