
hénɡ xiànɡ hé bìnɡ
  • horizontal merger;horizontal amalgamation
  1. 横向合并;单边效应;识别模型;合并模拟;反垄断执法;

    Horizontal Merger Unilateral Effects Identifying Models Merger Simulation Antitrust Enforcement ;

  2. 本文研究了寡头垄断状况下,技术差距对企业横向合并动机的影响。

    This paper studies the influence of the technologic gap to the incentive for horizontal merger .

  3. 合并分为以下三种:横向合并,纵向合并和混合合并

    Mergers fall into three categories : horizontal , vertical , and conglomerate .

  4. 其次,各国对横向合并监控较为严格;

    Secondly , each country is strict towards horizontal merge ;

  5. 横向合并,同行业合并矿业公会可能是最不合作的。

    Horizontal combination The mining unions are probably the most uncooperative of all .

  6. 横向合并动机与技术差距

    Incentive for Horizontal Merger and Technologic Gap

  7. 多概念格的横向合并算法

    Horizontal Union Algorithm of Multiple Concept Lattices

  8. 开放经济下企业间的横向合并

    Horizontal Merger in an Open Economy

  9. 企业间的横向合并与国际贸易

    Horizontal Merger and International Trade

  10. 合并分为以下三种:横向合并,纵向合并和混合合并。

    Mergers fall into three categories : horizontal , vertical , and conglomerate . and the Alpine combined .

  11. 吉诺竞争与横向合并

    Cournot Competition and Merge

  12. 本文研究了开放经济下企业横向合并时市场供应及企业利润的变化。

    This paper studies the changes of market supply and firm 's profit under horizontal merger in an open economy .

  13. 在横向合并中,市场竞争者可获得的是提高市场的集中程度及增加串谋的可能性。

    In a horizontal merger , the acquisition of a competitor could increase market concentration and increase the likelihood of collusion .

  14. 合并高校图书馆集成管理系统的整合合并分为以下三种:横向合并,纵向合并和混合合并。

    Recombining the Library Integrated System in Combined Universisties ; Mergers fall into three categories : horizontal , vertical , and conglomerate .

  15. 再次,依据合并对竞争秩序危害性大小这一标准将企业合并分为横向合并、纵向合并和混合合并三种类型,并对其概念、特点作以分析。

    Thirdly , according to the harm on fair competition it divides business merger into three types : horizontal mergers , vertical mergers and conglomerate mergers .

  16. 本文研究在开放经济条件下企业横向合并对经济的影响。研究结果是富有启发性的。

    This paper is concerned with the effects of horizontal merger of firms in an open economy environment , in which some inspiring results are obtained .

  17. 最后结合子概念格中概念间固有的泛化-特化关系,提出一种多概念格的横向合并算法来构造概念格。

    Using the inherent general-special relation between concepts in sublattice , the horizontal union algorithm of multiple concept lattices to construct the concept lattice is also presented .

  18. 另外,横向合并、纵向合并,以及混合合并的具体分析方法各有不同,应在考察中区别对待。

    In addition , the specific analytical method of horizontal merger and vertical merger and conglomerate merger are different , when we examine their competitive effects , they should be treated the same .

  19. 由于企业合并尤其是大企业之间的横向合并可能产生限制竞争的负面效果,因此各国一般都制定了相应的企业合并控制制度,对其进行监督和控制。

    As enterprise merger , especially the horizontal merger between large companies may produce negative effects such as the restriction of competition , many countries have formulated enterprise merger control regulations to supervise and regulate it .

  20. 美国形成了由多部法律组成,几个机构分工协作的体系,企业合并采取单一的事前申报,注重对横向合并的监控。

    According to the system in the United States which consists of a variety of laws and relies upon the coordination of several functional bodies , the single beforehand declaration is applied in enterprise merging to elevate the supervision of the merging in cross direction .

  21. 发现民营工程咨询公司目前缺乏核心竞争力,并购战略是民营工程咨询公司获取核心竟争力的有效途径,选择横向合并能使民营工程咨询公司有效地获取核心竟争力,应对威胁和挑战。

    This paper finds out that at present , non-state-owned engineering companies are lack of core competence , merger acquisition strategy is the effective way to win core competitiveness , horizontal merger and acquisition can make these them to win core competence effectively , face threats and challenges .

  22. 横向合并的直接结果就是改变了市场的结构,减少了市场竞争者的数目以及对市场竞争的有效性直接产生损害,因此,横向合并是各国进行法律规制的重点。

    The direct result of landscape orientation merger is to change the market structure , to reduce the amount of the market competitors and to produce the direct damages about the market efficient competition . So landscape orientation merger is the importance for each country to act law regulations .

  23. 企业合并分为横向合并和非横向合并,但各国的立法实践往往对横向合并关注较为突出,明确立法对横向合并进行反垄断规制,而对非横向合并一贯持宽容的态度。

    Combination of enterprises is divided into horizontal mergers and non-horizontal mergers . Legislation and practice of various countries often prominently focus on horizontal mergers , adopting clear legislation on the horizontal mergers to control anti-trust . But to the non-horizontal mergers , they consistently maintain a tolerant attitude .

  24. 这个法令对阻止大公司的纵向和横向的合并有巨大的作用。

    Vertical resistance This Act has had the effect of great inhibiting vertical and horizontal mergers of large corporations .

  25. 随着企业横向兼并、纵向合并和多元化投资的发展,中国若干规模较大的企业曾经进行过经理人层级制管理的尝试,但多以失败告终。

    With the help of mergence and acquisition and multi-investment , some large Chinese enterprises have already experimented corporate governance but ended up with failures .