
  • 网络Template Reaction;templet reaction
  1. 并通过对模板反应的对比实验,对反应中加入的催化剂进行了优化。

    And the catalysts for the reaction were optimized through comparison of experimental template reaction .

  2. 模板反应在大环化合物合成中的应用

    Application of the template effect in the synthesis of macrocyclic compounds

  3. 本文综述了模板反应在大环化合物合成中的应用,及含不同配位原子的大环化合物的合成方法。

    This paper reviewed the application of the template effect in the synthesis of macrocyclic compounds and synthetic methods of macrocyclic compounds with different donors .

  4. 以此优化的条件为前提,再将该模板反应的底物与不同的硼酸,吡啶硼酸和酯反应,得出相应的产率,研究其规律。

    Then the template substrate reaction with different boric acid , boric acid and ester reaction of pyridine , the corresponding yield obtained to study the law .

  5. 为引入酚羟基,本文设计合成了四种水杨醛席夫碱配体,以这些配体构筑的催化体系催化模板反应,均能取得中等偏上的产率,是催化效果最好的一类配体。

    In order to introduce the phenolic hydroxyl group , we designed four salicylaldehyde Schiff base ligands , it indicated that this class of systems achieved the best catalytic effect .

  6. 阳性细胞系DNA模板与反应增生性淋巴组织DNA按不同比例混合后扩增,检测降落式PCR的灵敏度。

    The positive control cell line DNA was mixed in different proportions with the DNA extracted from reactive lymphoid tissue to test the sensitivity of the touch-down PCR .

  7. 酸化后的仲钼酸铵饱和溶液与模板剂反应生成氧化钼和铵的结合物;

    Formation of the molybdenum oxide-amine composite after reacting with template ;

  8. 油酸起作为模板和反应剂的双重作用。

    Oleic acid acts as both template and reagent .

  9. 用所得到的离子液体参与构筑的囊泡相作为模板,反应制得直径在30-60nm,壁厚为8-10nm左右的介孔二氧化硅空心球。

    Silica hollow spheres , with diameters 30-60 nm and a wall thickness of 8-10 nm , were prepared by using the vesicle as the templates .

  10. 可以通过控制氧化铝模板的反应电压和电解液温度调节纳米线的直径。

    The diameters of nanowires can be controlled by changing the voltage and the temperature of the electrolyte in the anode oxidation by which AAO templates were prepared .

  11. 向反应中加入硬模板,反应完成后洗脱模板,得到了同时含有微孔、介孔和大孔的多级孔材料。

    Also attended with a hard template to the reaction mixture , the hierarchical materials containing micro - , meso-and macropores were obtained after completing the reaction and removing the hard template .

  12. 我们利用相同的路线制备出了Dy(OH)3纳米管,合成过程中,聚乙二醇(PEG)充当了模板剂,反应在180°C水热条件下完成。

    In this procedure , Polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) acst as a template-directed reagent and the reaction was finished at 180 ° C under the hydrothermal condition .

  13. 无需使用任何表面活性剂或其它硬模板,借助反应中形成的气泡作为模板就能构筑空壳结构。

    The precursor was formed without any surfactant and additional template . It was demonstrated gas bubbles were acted as soft templates for the synthesis of hollow structures .

  14. 不同模板浓度对PCR反应产物的影响较大;

    Different concentrations of template have more effects on the production of PCR .

  15. 目的应用以菌落为模板的聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术筛选插有小鼠Doc1R基因组序列的重组阳性克隆。

    Objective To screen the Doc 1R gene recombinant plasmid by use of colony PCR .

  16. 以四株不同型别的致病性钩端螺旋体DNA为模板进行聚合酶链反应(PCR),建立了钩体快速检测方法。

    S A method of rapid detecting Leptospira DNA was constructed after the template DNA from 4 serotypes of Leptospira interrogans were successfully amplified by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  17. PCR动力学数学模型是根据PCR技术的原理提出的,能够准确描述PCR反应产物分子数量积累规律的动力学方程,给出了PCR产物数量或者荧光强度与初始模板数量及其他反应条件间的函数关系。

    This model describes the function relation between product quantity or fluorescence intensity and initial template number and other reaction conditions , and can reflect the accumulating rule of PCR product molecule accurately .

  18. 本文考察了此高支化度银纳米结构的SERS性能,并且以此结构为模板,通过置换反应制备了具有空心结构的Ag/Au合金海藻状纳米结构。

    SERS property of the silver branched nanostructures was examined and hollow Ag / Au alloy branched nanostructures were prepared through galvanic replacement reaction based on silver template .

  19. 方法以正常人肺组织mRNA为模板,采用逆转录反应(RT)PCR、巢式PCR及基因克隆技术,获得pUC19/SPA6A克隆,并测序证实。

    Methods The mRNA from normal lungs was used as template . By using the techniques of RT PCR , nest PCR and cloning , the pUC 19 / SP A 6 A clone was established and sequenced .

  20. 在Pr3N-P2O5-Al2O3-H2O体系中研究了水热晶化条件&模板剂用量、反应混合物pH值、晶化时间和晶化温度等。

    A systematic investigation was made into the effects of conditions for hydrothermal crystallization , amount of template ( Pr3N ), PH value of reactive mixture . crystallization time and crystallization temperature etc.

  21. 方法自健康人血中提取人类基因组DNA作为模板,聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术克隆人MK启动子基因2335bp片段。

    [ Methods ] As a template , the human genome DNA was extracted from healthy human blood firstly . And then , the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) was applied to clone the 2 335 bp fragment of human midkine promoter gene .

  22. 采用水热法,以草酸钛钾为反应原料,借助气泡模板和配体交换反应,在玻璃基底上成功沉积了环状的Ti02聚集体薄膜。

    Using potassium titanium oxalate as raw material , ring-like TiO2-aggregates film deposited on the glass substrate was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method though a bubble template strategy and ligand exchanging reaction .

  23. 直接用培养细菌作模板进行聚合酶链反应

    Direct polymerase chain reaction using cultured bacteria as template

  24. 方法:以引物互为模板的聚合酶链反应合成目的基因片段。

    Methods : The PCR technique in which the primers were used as template each other was adopted to obtain the foreign DNAs for Cloning .

  25. 通过调节有机配体、金属离子、模板剂和控制反应条件可能定向组装出预期的多孔金属有机骨架材料。

    Through coordinating organic ligands , metal particles , template , and controlling reaction conditions , organic skeleton materials of porous metal will be likely produced .

  26. 综述了多形态金属氧化物晶体的主要制备方法,即微乳液法,溶剂热法,模板法,固相反应热分解法,气相反应法等。

    The main preparing methods of polymorphic metal oxide crystal are reviewed . These methods include micro-lacteous method , solvent thermal reaction method , template-free method , thermal decomposition method and gas phase reaction method .

  27. 以PAAS为模板AM与DMC的模板共聚合反应

    Template Copolymerization of AM and DMC in the Presence of PAAS

  28. 如不添加模板,生成的硒很快聚沉,说明模板在反应中起到了减缓粒子聚沉,阻止粒子团聚的作用。

    If does not increase the template , the production selenium gathers very quickly , explained that the template played a role in slowing down the particles to gather sinks and preventing the particles reunion .