
  • 网络SimAnimals;Sim Animals
  1. 阻黄及其引起的并发症与肠道菌群密切相关。模拟动物肠道菌群进行混合细菌体外培养试验结果表明,大豆肽可以促进有益菌的增殖,抑制有害菌的增殖(p<0.01)。

    Soybean peptides was used to test its effects of balances on intestinal microbiota in vitro , The results showed that soybean peptides can promote the growth of probiotics and control pathogenetic microorganism ( p < 0.01 ) .

  2. 结果模拟动物试验,发现病区外环境缺硒或高氟水,均可致动物机体GSH-Px活性下降。

    Results By the simulation animal test , discovering GSH - Px activity of animal economy descent can be caused because of lacking selenium or high fluoride water in the illness section outer conditions .

  3. 改进的微粒群算法模拟动物的群体觅食行为

    Extending the Particle Swarm Optimization to Model Animal Foraging Behaviour

  4. 对于这些网络的学习和自动资料系统的处理,是模拟动物神经系统的运作。

    These networks are automatic information learning and processing systems that simulate the workings of animal nervous systems .

  5. 目的研究模拟动物腹部内出血与电阻抗断层成像之间的关系,以便为人体监护提供必要的理论和现实依据。

    To research the relation between simulating intraperitoneal bleeding and electrical impedance tomography to ward human body and provide premise in theory and practice .

  6. 应用计算机模拟动物育种问题时需要建立一个准确可靠的遗传传递模型,利用能产生周期长且统计性质优的伪随机数产生方法,以使模拟结果更加准确可靠。

    It is necessary to establish an exact genetic model , and utilize a appropriate method to produce random number which has long period and excellent statistical characteristics .

  7. 在目标空间模拟动物在自然环境中分布的小生境特性提出一种目标空间分布性保持策略维持种群分布性,利用最小生成树的图形特性自适应调节小生境半径。

    Niche in the object space simulation animals in their natural environment to keep distribution of the population , and take advantage of the minimum spanning tree to adjust niche radius .

  8. 在脑立体定位仪上切断动物的穹隆-海马伞,并同时切除双侧卵巢,建立模拟AD动物模型。

    And fimbria-fornix of brain was transected and ovary was cut off in the stereotaxic apparatus in order to make AD model .

  9. 综述了近年来在体外模拟及动物实验模型方面氨基酸对草酸钙(CaOxa)尿石形成作用的研究进展。

    The research progress of the effect of amino acids on the formation of calcium oxalate stones in chemical simulation in vitro and animal models studies was summarized .

  10. 目的确定中长期失重防护措施研究的模拟失重动物模型。

    Objective To confirm the tail suspended rat model for the study of countermeasures against weightlessness .

  11. 群智能是一种模拟自然界动物觅食筑巢行为的新兴演化计算技术。

    Swarm Intelligence is a compute technology which simulates nature animal 's action of looking for food .

  12. 方法选择庆大霉素作为模型药物,采用头低位(-20°)兔限制活动为模拟失重动物模型,观察模拟失重对兔庆大霉素药代动力学参数的影响。

    Method Gentamicin was selected as probe drug in the present study , and rabbits exposed to Head Down Tilt ( HDT , - 20 °) immobilization were selected as simulated weightlessness animal model .

  13. 在此基础上,又用此人工感受野模拟了动物神经节细胞感受野的零交叉特性,模拟结果与生物实验结果符合。

    Based on aforesaid , the artificial receptive field was employed to simulate zero cross characters of the retinal ganglion receptive field of an animal , the results were in accordance with those of biological experiments .

  14. MonteCarlo模拟方法在动物育种中的应用

    Applications of Monte Carlo Simulation in Animal Breeding

  15. 经表面活化处理的各向同性碳(LTIA)心脏起搏电极具有优异的电性能,这已经通过模拟实验、动物实验证明。

    Surface-activated LTIA carbon endocardial pacing electrode has outstanding electrical properties , which has proved by experiments in vitro and animals .

  16. 数字化教学在模拟手术室动物实验中的应用

    Usage of Digital Teaching Model in Animal Experiments in Simulating Operating Room

  17. 论文首先模拟实现了动物的觅食环境,即随机动态分布的食物环境。

    First of all , the group-foraging environment with random distribution of food is built .

  18. 游泳训练共8周,建立模拟过度训练动物模型。

    Total swimming training was eight weeks .

  19. 冲击波传播的三个时段模拟实验中动物肺的损伤

    Injury of Animal Lungs in the Experiments to Simulate the Three Phases of Shock Wave Propagation

  20. 他们将这些动物与其它进行了运动却没有接受模拟按摩的动物进行比较。

    They compared these animals to other animals that performed the exercise movements but did not receive simulated massage .

  21. 本论文从模拟自然界水生动物运动的角度出发,主要借鉴鱼类运动的推进机理,致力于研究在液体中通过游泳方式运动的微机器人。

    Mainly based on the fish propulsion mechanism , this dissertation is devoted to study the swimming micro robot in liquid .

  22. 方法:通过力学蠕变挠度分析,得到预计硬脑膜膨出量的力学计算公式,设计相应的力学模拟实验和动物实验加以验证。

    Methods : The biomechanical formula is established by using the creep reflection analysis and validated by the simulated test and animal experiments .

  23. 结扎组采用正畸结扎丝结扎上颌第一磨牙,并给予高糖饮食建立牙周炎动物模型,低氧组置于低压氧舱建立模拟高原牙周炎动物模型,常氧组置于正常环境饲养。

    Ligation group was performed ligation on first molar of upper jaw and high carbohydrate diet was given to establish animal model of periodontitis . The highland group was put at low pressure oxygen chamber and plain group put under normal environment and diet . 3 .

  24. 模拟手术对照动物伤侧胶状质酸性磷酸酶活性未见明显改变。说明感觉纤维在脊髓胶状质的定位投射柱有越向尾侧越朝外扩展的趋势。

    There was no significant difference in TRAP activity in gelatinous substance of the affected side in control rats , which indicated that the located projecting column of sensory fiber on the gelatinous substance of spinal cord had an outward-extending trend as approaching to the caudal ward .

  25. 体外模拟试验,动物试验及在整形外科试用结果表明该材料生物相容性好,使用方便,能与骨直接结合,有良好的应用前景。

    The results of biological tests , simulation tests ( in vitro ), animal tests and application in plastic surgery show that this material has good biocompatibility , it can bond with bone directly and is convenient to apply . It will be of great use in surgery .

  26. 用BP26与羊种、牛种和猪种引物对菌液进行PCR扩增,用BP26和羊种引物对模拟样本和染毒动物不同时间点的血液样本进行检测。

    This PCR assay was used to detect bacteria solution with primers BP26 and three strain primers , simulative samples and inoculated mice were diagnosed with primer BP26 and strain primer Meli .

  27. 模拟光辐射烧伤动物模型的建立和死亡概率的研究

    Setting up of an animal model of imitated thermal radiation burn and study on its death probability

  28. 目的:1、验证化学刺激大鼠上矢状窦区硬脑膜模拟偏头痛发作的动物模型的可行性。

    Objective : 1 , To authenticate the feasibility of the migraine animal model simulating the migraine attacks by using chemical stimulation on the superior sagittal sinus .

  29. 我们从建立外伤性视神经病动物模型入手,应用客观的检查方法,建立模拟该病的动物模型,为进一步探讨外伤性视神经病的发病机理、诊治标准及预后提供参考。

    We began with establishing TON model and apply the objective examination methods to provide references to the clinical for its mechanism , checking standard , diagnosis and therapy and prognosis .

  30. 由于受到检材要求所限,在此方面的研究多为模拟脑挫伤的动物实验,从而造成了理论研究与实际鉴定工作相脱钩的现象。

    Limited by the human material , the studies are mainly imitative experiments of animals ' cerebral contusions , which have committed the diversity between the theological study and the practical identification .