
  • 网络plant worship
  1. 云南楚雄彝族植物崇拜的调查研究

    An investigation and study on the plant worship by Yi people in Chuxiong , Yunnan

  2. 萨满教动植物崇拜与生物认知

    The Saman Worship of Animals and Plants and Biological Cognition

  3. 莫言小说动植物崇拜原型分析

    Analysis on the Worship for Living Things in Mo Yan 's Novels

  4. 可以说,萨满教动植物崇拜与北方先民的生物认知密切相关,相辅相成。

    Judging from this , Saman worship of the animals and plants maintains close ties with the biological cognition of the North ancients .

  5. 动植物崇拜是萨满教的主要崇拜观念,它建立在北方先民对动植物不断探索和认识的基础之上,又以其神圣性进一步强化了这种认识。

    For the main worship concepts of the Saman , the worship of animals and plants was formed by the ancients of the North who explores and recognizes constantly the animals and plants , and intensifies further the above mentioned due to its sacredness .

  6. 树神崇拜也成为中国古代植物神崇拜的核心。

    Tree divinity worship eventually became a nucleus of vegetation divinity worship in ancient China .

  7. 中国上古社会可能存在药用植物的崇拜,乌头、附子可能是萨满昏迷中的致幻剂。

    In the archaic Chinese society , the worship of medical plants might have existed .

  8. 对山、水、动植物的崇拜实际上保护了生物多样性及彝家的生态环境。

    Their diverse totems and their worships to mountain , water , animals and plants have actually protected biodiversity and the Yi 's ecological environment .