
  • 网络forest resource management
  1. 基于广义3S技术的森林资源经营管理系统建设

    On the forest resources management information system Based on extensive GPS , GIS and RS technology

  2. 天保工程区森林资源经营管理政策研究

    The Policy Research of Forest Resources Management in Nature Forest Resources Conservation Project

  3. 基于GIS的森林资源经营管理系统的研究及设计

    Research on and design of GIS model for forest resource management and administration

  4. 上海城市森林资源经营管理研究

    Study on Operation and Management of Urban Forest Resources in Shanghai

  5. 中国森林资源经营管理机制的研究

    Study on the Mechanism of the Administration in China 's Forest Management

  6. 森林资源经营管理目的及内容概述

    The Objective and Content Summarizing of Forest Resource Management

  7. 论述了森林资源经营管理的目的及工作内容。

    The objective and the working content of forest resource management are summarized .

  8. 森林资源经营管理技术体系初探

    An Exploration of Forest Resource Management Technology System

  9. 塔河林业局资源林政管理系统是为了提高塔河林业局森林资源经营管理水平和有效保护现有的森林资源而设计和开发的。

    The Management System of Tahe Forestry Bureau Resource Woods Policy is developed to improve woods resource management level of Tahe Forestry Bureau .

  10. 林分空间结构测度系统是现代化森林资源经营管理的重要工具,是数字林业对标准规范数据处理的一种重要工具。

    The measure system of stand spatial structure is an important tool in modern forest resource management , and also an important tool for standard calibrate data treatment in digital forest .

  11. 从森林资源经营管理技术体系的基本内容出发,论述了组成森林资源管理的技术体系的组成方法,提出了在管理中存在的问题,并探讨了森林资源经营管理技术体系的对策

    The components of the forest resource management system were introduced Analysis was conducted on the existing problems in the forest resource management , and some strategies aiming at the current problems were proposed

  12. 在对大量文献进行研究的基础上,系统论述了森林资源经营管理理论的发展和演变过程,对国内外现有林经营管理理论和技术的研究进展进行了详细的总结。

    This paper discusses the development and evolvement of forest management theory on the base of studying lots of literature , summarizes the study headway of present forest management theory and technology inside and outside in detail .

  13. 文章介绍了德国森林资源经营管理的情况,分析了德国近自然林业经营管理的特点,并针对广东林业的实际,对广东省林业经营管理进行了探讨。

    Through introducing the status quo of forest resource management in Germany and analyzing its character of " Close to Nature Forest Management ", the paper makes an exploration to Forest Management in Guangdong Province based on its forestry policy and practice .

  14. 最后,总结比较结果,根据我国森林资源经营管理现状,从参考的国际标准框架、标准制定程序、标准层次结构和标准内容4个方面提出制定中国森林认证标准的建议。

    Finally , summarize the result of comparative study and make the suggestion according to the status of forest resources management in China . The suggestion emphasis on four aspects of referenced international standards framework , standards development process , standards hiberarchy and standards contents .

  15. 森林资源的经营管理一直很少注重其空间格局分析。

    Spatial pattern of forest resources was paid less attention in previous researches .

  16. 我国森林资源分类经营管理的哲学思考与实践剖析

    Philosophical Thinking and Analysing on the Practice of China 's Forest Resources Classification Management

  17. 我国森林资源最优经营管理问题

    Optimal operation of forest resources in China

  18. 由于国内外在研究沃的艺术风格时,大多强调讽刺,忽略了对反讽这一艺术手法的研究,本文着重阐释《一把尘土》的反讽艺术。森林资源的经营管理一直很少注重其空间格局分析。

    Still less attention has been paid to the art of irony in A Handful of Dust . Spatial pattern of forest resources was paid less attention in previous researches .

  19. 特别是从本世纪开始,更对我国森林资源分类经营管理概念、体制、机制、政策和措施等各个方面进行了广泛探讨与实践,为系统研究分类经营管理奠定了扎实基础。

    At the turn of this century , research activities in forest resources classification management had been carried out extensively , covering lots of aspects like management system , approaches , organizational means and mechanism establishment , etc.

  20. 云南德宏州森林资源可持续经营与管理

    Discussion on the Forest Resources sustainable Management in Dehong of Yunnan

  21. 万山特区森林资源评价与经营管理建议

    Evaluation and Management Proposals for the Forest Resources in Wanshan Special Zone

  22. 因此,深入研究林木种群结构和空间分布格局并探讨形成机制,既是重要的生态学理论问题,又对森林资源保护和经营管理具有现实意义。

    Understanding the characteristic and spatial patterns of population , especially underlying mechanism , is very important in both ecological theory and forest management .

  23. 森林资源调查是森林资源经营管理的重要工作之一,利用先进的信息化技术进行森林资源数据采集工作能够提高外业调查工作的效率,实现林业调查工作的信息化建设。

    Forest resources survey is one of the important work of forest resources management , the use of advanced information technology for forest resource data collection can improve the efficiency of field survey work , information technology forestry investigation .

  24. 本文较全面地介绍了台湾省的林业情况,包括森林群系和森林资源、森林经营管理、林产工业、林业研究机构及林业教育等。

    General situation of forestry in Taiwan province including forest system , forest resources , forest management , forest product industry , forestry research institute and forestry education was introduced in this paper .

  25. 通过在加拿大现地20多天的森林经营与管理培训考察,对加拿大,特别是安大略省森林资源及经营管理有了较清楚了解。

    A much deeper understanding of Canadian forest management and conservation during 20 day ′ s on site inspection has been gradually formed .

  26. 为此,必须构建完整的森林经营管理和政策保障体系,其核心是形成新的森林经营机制,该机制主要包括森林资源的经营管理机制和动力约束机制。

    So , a complete forest management and policy guarantee system should be constructed . Forming new mechanism of forest management is the key to the construction of such system . The new mechanism includes forest resources management mechanism and dynamic-restriction mechanism .

  27. 对森林资源动态变化进行分析研究,有助于把握森林资源数量、质量及其结构分布的动态变化趋势,为森林资源经营管理决策提供支持。

    To analyze the dynamic changes of forest resources is helpful to grasp the changing trends of the quantity , quality and structure of distribution of forest resources , and offer support to forest resources management decision-making .