
  • 网络Field of Dream;Dreamland;Dream land
  1. MeiDan美容院的经理表示,现在加拿大是人们新的梦想之地。与此同时,房地产中介公司GoldenHome的报告称,由于外来移民纷纷售出房产离开这里,房价正在不断下跌。

    The manager of the Mei Dan beauty parlour says Canada is the new dream , while the Golden Home property agency reports falling prices as immigrants sell up and leave .

  2. 在你悼念的眼里,开始了梦想之地。

    In your eyes of mourning the land of dreams begin .

  3. 我一直把中国当成一个梦想之地。

    I always think China is a dream place to cherish .

  4. 不要沮丧,如果还没有到达梦想之地。

    So don 't get down if you 're not there yet .

  5. 母亲从来不明白,这里是我的梦想之地。

    Mother never understood that this was my dreamtime place .

  6. 哈佛大学是我深造的梦想之地。

    Harvard is my dream place for further studies .

  7. 我想,中国会一如既往地做为世界上很多人的“梦想之地”而存在。

    I think China continue to remain a dreamland for many visitors around the world .

  8. 加利福尼亚,梦想之地?

    California , the Land of Dreams ?

  9. 爱尔兰绝对是我的梦想之地。

    Ireland is certainly my dream .

  10. 一旦我们能够明确定位自己的梦想之地,那么到达终点将会更为容易。

    Once we know where we want to go , getting there will be so much easier .

  11. 达尔文曾在此研究当地独特的动物种群,这是自然爱好者的梦想之地。

    The place where Darwin came to study the unique animal population is a nature lover 's dream .

  12. 这里曾经梦想之地,全世界顶级运动员在奥林匹克精神之乡比赛。

    It was once a field of dreams with the world 's top athletes competed in the spiritual home of the Olympics .

  13. 我想着你的嘴唇,它是多么完美&那么完美的适和我的嘴唇,于是我告诉自己,我已经抵达了梦想之地,这是我的天堂。

    I think about your lips and how perfect they are * a perfect fit for my lips and I tell myself I have arrived * this is heaven .

  14. 同时,因为埃菲尔铁塔以及其他的历史建筑物、博物馆、教堂的存在使得巴黎成了大多数游客的梦想之地。

    It is also held as a numero uno tourist destination due to the presence of the Eiffel Tower and several other historic buildings , museums , cathedrals and churches .

  15. 在他10岁的时候,他的父母留下他到远方务工,教堂成为一个梦想之地,他会带着速写本到那里画画。

    And by the time he was 10 , when his parents had abandoned him to find work far away , it had become a place of dreams where he would take his sketchbook and paint .

  16. 他把他的国家称为梦想破灭之地。

    He referred to his country as the land of broken dreams .

  17. 我痴迷于拉美文化,而且玻利维亚乌尤尼的大片盐滩也是我梦想到访之地。

    Im fascinated about the culture of Latin America and the vast salt flat in Salar de Uyuni of Bolivia is where I dream of visiting .