
  • 网络County Mayo;MAYO;Co Mayo
  1. 梅奥郡于30多年前消失的一片沙滩,竟然奇迹般地重现了。

    A County Mayo beach that disappeared more than 30 years ago has made a miraculous comeback .

  2. 57岁的鲍勃•麦克尼克来自爱尔兰西部的梅奥郡。2005年11月,一个废品回收站内滚烫的铝水发生意外爆炸,导致他失明。

    Bob McNichol , 57 , from County Mayo in the west of the country , lost his sight in a freak accident when red-hot liquid aluminium exploded at a re-cycling business in November 2005 .