
  • 网络Khalil;al-Khalil;Chakib Khelil;halil
  1. 哈利勒听到了雪崩传来的轰隆声。

    Khalil heard the thunder of an avalanche .

  2. 美国大使馆的关注巴基斯坦的连接到本拉登的声明,因为判决是由法兹勒拉赫曼哈利勒领导人在巴基斯坦HarakatUL认证安萨尔。

    The US embassy is concerned over Pakistan 's connection to bin Laden 's statement , as the fatwa was signed by Fazlur Rahman Khalil , a leader in Pakistan 's Harakat ul-Ansar .

  3. 我是个老师,在哈利勒正在就读的那所学院教书。

    I was a teacher in the college where Khalil was studying .

  4. 哈利勒认为,尽管欧佩克决定减产,但是油价恐怕会继续下滑。

    Khelil suggests that trend might continue , despite OPEC 's production cut .

  5. 哈马斯官员哈利勒.哈亚是一名在爆炸中受伤的武装人员的父亲。

    Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya is the father of a gunman who was wounded in the blast .

  6. 哈马斯高级官员哈利勒表示,这个交易是巴勒斯坦人民取得的重大成就。

    Senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hiyeh said the deal is a great achievement for the Palestinian people .

  7. 哈利勒表示,这个减产决定立即生效,并且要在40天内贯彻执行。

    Khelil says the decision takes effect immediately , with a40-day time frame for it to be implemented .

  8. 市长哈利勒al-Chehimi说,最初,当地的居民向这些难民提供了生活品,甚至还给过钱。

    Mayor Khalil al-Chehimi says local residents initially provided most of the supplies and even money to the refugees .

  9. 我仍然强烈相信这个国家的未来将真正取决于在政治中积极的人们。”哈利勒说道。在过去的两年里埃及已经有大量的激进主义,大多数在街头发生。

    I strongly believe that the future of the country really will depend on how active people become in its politics , " Khalil said .

  10. 星期天,苏丹一个法庭判处8名达尔富尔反政府武装成员死刑,包括反政府武装“正义与平等运动”的高级指挥官阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹-努尔。阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹-努尔是这个组织的领袖哈利勒-易卜拉欣的兄弟,他们两人是同母异父的兄弟。

    On Sunday , a court sentenced eight rebels to death , including Abdul Aziz Ashur the half brother of Khalil Ibrahim , who is the leader of the Justice and Equality Movement , which carried out the offensive on Omdurman .

  11. 如果检查其中多数规则,该宪法不会这样,”哈利勒认为埃及正走向一个困难的时期,但他又表示新唤醒的政治精神将从长期角度服务国家。

    If it 's supposed to place a check on how the majority rules , this document does not do that , " Khalil believes Egypt is heading for a difficult period but says a newly awakened political spirit will serve the country well in the long term .