
  • 网络archive resources;file resource
  1. 浅淡高职院校图书馆档案资源的开发和利用

    Discussion on the Development and Usage of Archive Resources in University Libraries

  2. 档案资源管理是档案工作的一种新机制,是档案传统管理的必然进步。

    Archive resources management , which is a new kind of mechanism for archives work , is the inexorable development of traditional management of archives .

  3. 论档案资源管理在建设节约型社会中的作用

    On the Application of Archive Resource Management in Building Saving-Oriented Society

  4. 中外在线档案资源获取比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Online Archival Resources from Home and Abroad

  5. 加强档案资源建设,规范专题档案管理

    To strengthen archival resources construction and standardize special-topic archives management

  6. 充分挖掘高校档案资源更好地为地方经济服务

    On tapping college file resources to better serve local economy

  7. 开发档案资源改善市场营销

    Studying and Developing the Resource of Information From Archives to Improve Marketing

  8. 山西省疾病预防控制档案资源共享的现状与对策

    Actuality and Countermeasures for Resources-sharing of Diseases Prevention and Control in Shanxi

  9. 信息化大潮中的图书档案资源共享

    On the resource share of books and archives in the tide of informationization

  10. 浅论地质矿产档案资源建设及其开发利用

    Discussions on Construction and Utilization of Record Resources in Geology and Mineral Resources

  11. 原生数字档案资源建设过程中的著作权问题。

    Secondly , the copyright problems lie in constructing the original digital files .

  12. 开发高校档案资源促进和谐校园建设

    To exploit archival resources in colleges and universities to promote harmonious campus construction

  13. 高校档案资源收集策略

    The Collecting Tactics of Institutions of Higher Learning

  14. 利用科技档案资源发展县域企业经济

    Employing the Resources of Scientific and Technological Archives Developing the Economy of Country Enterprises

  15. 基于电子政务信息门户的数字档案资源建设

    Digital Archives Resource Platform Based on E-government

  16. 数字档案资源的建设

    The Construction of Digital Archives Resources

  17. 使档案资源可控。

    The file resource control .

  18. 旅游新亮点&开发馆藏档案资源为旅游、休闲服务

    The New Bright Point for Tourism & Serving the Tourism and Leisure by Exploring resource of archival holding

  19. 支撑高校科研档案资源共享的知识管理技术及体系分析

    Analysis on the Knowledge Management Technology and System for Supporting the Resource Sharing of Sci-tech Archives of University

  20. 知识经济时代对档案资源的形成、管理、需求产生了巨大的影响。

    Present times of knowledge economy has a great effect on the formation , management and demand of archives resources .

  21. 档案资源为矿山生产发展提供了可靠的依据,试图从档案安全方面存在问题及档案管理的对策进行探讨。

    File resources provide reliable basis for mine production , some problems in the file security and some countermeasures are discussed .

  22. 现在,档案资源不仅是企业最珍贵的资产,而且应该是唯一动态的资产。

    Now , the file resources are not only the most precious assets , but also should bethe only dynamic property .

  23. 各高校间建立一种档案资源共享的机制有利于信息资源价值的充分开发。

    A full development of the information resources value depends on that build up commonly the mechanism of file information resources sharing .

  24. 只有从以上方面对现在的利用状况进行完善,思想政治教育档案资源才能得到更广泛的应用。

    Only from the above aspects of the utilization condition now perfect , Ideological and political education files resources can be more widely used .

  25. 开放公共档案资源,提高档案资源利用效率与档案服务水平是档案事业发展的大势所趋。

    Opening public records is needed for a socioeconomic progress and democracy of the rule of law , but also caused by their own archives development .

  26. 保护和开发民族档案资源,是建设云南民族文化大省重要的基础性工作。

    To build Yunnan into a province featuring great ethnic cultural diversity , one important and fundamental step is to preserve and develop ethnic archival resources .

  27. 再次,根据高校档案资源管理现状与内容,提供了一个明确的、具体的、有参考价值的高校档案中心建设方案。

    Again , according to the archives resource management present situation and content , and provides a clear , specific , the reference value of the archives center construction scheme .

  28. 也就是说,社会档案资源的资源体系是以公民个体为单位,基于公民个体个性化服务而建立的档案的集合。

    In other words , using individual citizen as a unit , the resource system of social archives resources is a collection of files based on personalized services for individual citizens .

  29. 只有科研档案资源得到最大限度的利用,才能体现科研档案的研究价值、经济价值以及保管价值。

    Scientific research to maximize the use of archival resources , in order to realize the value of scientific research archives , and the custody of the value of economic value .

  30. 从建设监理信息资源管理的角度来讲,人们已经产生一种共识,那就是档案资源是企业最珍贵的资产。

    From the perspective of information resources management for construction supervision , people have already had one kind of mutual recognition , that is the file resources are the enterprise most precious property .