- 网络case-auxiliary word;Case particle

From the structure point of view , both Japanese case particle adhesion in the text section , or Japanese word behind center .
Case particle is a category of function words of great importance in the Japanese language , serving to exhibit the complicated relationship between verbs and nouns .
It is argued that " A noha B da " is founded easily when the focus B and predicate verb in A has close semantic relations . Moreover , prepositions in Japanese corresponding do not exist in the focus B in such sentences .
The Disappearance of the Case Particle in Japanese and Its Causes
Analysis of Japanese Learners ' Misuse of Case Verb
A Study of Concern Post-positions of Kazakh Language
Verb-type Compound-case Auxiliaries in Japanese
Moreover , the accuracy of the same case particle use varies with the verbs it collocates with .
In Japanese , the two particles " "( ni ) and " "( de ) have various usages and are often confusing in practical expressions .
Concrete nouns , case markers , adverbs , connecting the mother , coupled with admiration the degradation of compounds in the pharmaceutical and look at the features .
Chinese and Korean people use prepositions and adverbial case markers respectively , when we express the meaning associated to the characteristics and behaviors of the acts such as time , place , target , origin , direction and cause .
Through comparison , we can find that , in terms of language device , Chinese language uses word , or function word to be specific , to indicate passive voice ; while Korean language uses case function words and affixes .
Through the analyses on the grammatical meaning , usage , forming and succession , as well as the brief explanation on some examples , this paper defines made (まで) as case and adverb auxiliary word , for the convenience of the explanation of it in teaching .