
  • 网络Root Canal Filling Materials
  1. 三种根管充填材料的临床与基础研究

    Basic and Clinical Study on Three Kinds of Root Canal Filling Materials

  2. [目的]观察临床常用的五种根管充填材料的根端封闭性能,为临床选择合适的根管充填材料提供一定的实验依据。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the blocking efficacy of five root canal filling materials .

  3. 结论ZOE+碘仿糊剂、ZOE+Ca(OH)2+碘仿糊剂作为乳牙根管充填材料较好。

    Conclusion ZOE iodoform paste , ZOE and Ca ( OH ) _2 iodoform paste are more effective materials for root canal filling of primary teeth .

  4. 结论FR糊剂适合作乳牙根管充填材料。

    Conclusion FR paste is a good material for root canal filling of deciduous teeth .

  5. MPU-03作根管充填材料的组织相容性研究

    Study on the Compatibility of the MPU 03 as Root Canal Filling Material

  6. 对永磁体引导磁性胶体根管充填材料(SG)根管充填进行离体牙的实验研究。

    Experimental observation of the root filling with the magnetic colloid materials ( SG ) guided by permanent magnetic body was carried out .

  7. 常用根管充填材料生物相容性研究

    Study on the biocompatibility of commonly used root canal filling materials

  8. TCP/TTCP根管充填材料的临床研究

    A Clinical Study of Canal Filling with Alpha-TCP / TTCP

  9. 皮下种植复方羟磷灰石钛尖根管充填材料的组织学反应

    Histological reaction to the compound hydroxyapatite and titanium point of hypodermic implantation

  10. 新型树脂根管充填材料的制备及其稳定性评价

    Preparation and stability assessment of a new resin root canal filling material

  11. 纳米羟基磷灰石根管充填材料的基础研究

    Nanometer hydroxyl apatite root canal backfill material basic research

  12. 根管充填材料的根端微渗漏实验研究

    Study of apical microleakage of root canal filling material

  13. 四种乳牙根管充填材料的疗效比较

    Evaluation of the four kinds of material as root canal filling in primary teeth

  14. 医用胶根管充填材料的试验研究

    Study of n-octyl-a-cyanoacrylate in root canal therapy

  15. 结论:自固化磷酸钙是一种良好的根管充填材料。

    Conclusion CPC is a kind of good materials in the treatment of root canal filling .

  16. 磁性胶体根管充填材料的组织病理学和组织化学的实验研究

    A Histopathological and Histochemical Experimental Study of the Magnetic Gluey as a Root Canal Filling Material

  17. 结论医用胶可以作为一种新型根管充填材料,应用于临床根管治疗术。

    Conclusion N-octyl-a-cyanoacrylate could be applied as a new root canal filling material in clinical root canal therapy .

  18. 自固化磷酸钙根管充填材料与传统根充糊剂的根尖封闭性能对比

    The comparison of self-setting calcium phosphate cement for root canal filling with traditional canal filling paste in apex seal effect

  19. 结果:新型根管充填材料能够严密地封闭根尖孔,与根管壁间的密合性优于常用根管充填材料。

    Result : The novel root canal material can seal apical densely and has better degree of obturation than normal materials .

  20. 结论:碘仿氢氧化钙糊剂更适合作为乳牙根管充填材料。

    Conclusion : Iodoformcalcium hydroxide paste is more suitable for root canal therapy as root canal filling materials in primary teeth .

  21. 目的:评价4种根管充填材料的根管密封性能,分析其影响因素。

    Objective : To estimate the blocking efficacy of 4 kinds of root canal blocking materials and to analyze the influence factors .

  22. 扫描电镜显示,D组根管充填材料与根管壁的结合最为紧密。

    The images obtained via TEM show that adaptation between root canal filling materials and wall of canals is highest for D group .

  23. 我们采用滴定沉淀法合成纳米氢氧化钙,为纳米氢氧化钙根管充填材料的制备提供良好的基础。

    The nanometer calcium hydroxide was synthesized by titration precipitation , which was good for the preparation of nanometer calcium hydroxide root canal filling material .

  24. 结果4种根管充填材料有效率分别为81%,81%,92%,93%。四种根管充填材料的密封性比较

    Results The effective rate of the four materials is 81 % , 81 % , 92 % , 93 % respectively . Comparison of blocking efficacy of 4 kinds of root canal blocking materials

  25. 方法:用甲硝唑&地塞米松糊剂或氢氧化钙甘油为根管充填材料分别对182颗患牙进行根管充填并于充填后1、2年观察其疗效。

    Methods : The metronidazole-dexamethasone paste or Ca ( OH ) _ ( 2 ) as root canal material were used in filling 182 cases with periapical periodontitis which were observed after one and two years .

  26. 方法用两种根管充填材料对乳磨牙进行根管充填,实验组用比塔派克斯糊剂进行根管充填,对照组用氧化锌丁香油糊剂根管充填,并随访1年。

    Methods To fill the root canal of the primary teeth using two different materials , one group was filled with Vitaphone paste and the other was filled with ZOE paste , with visit for one year .

  27. 方法:用-αTCP/TTCP复相根管充填材料对188例患者,共218颗患牙作根管充填,根据X线片和临床观察,评价其治疗效果。

    Methods : The root canals of 188 cases ( all 218 teeth ) were filled with α - TCP / TTCP to treat pulpal periapical diseases after the treatment . The clinical effect was evaluated based on the evidence of X-ray and oral examination .

  28. 根管倒充填材料研究进展

    Progresses in the study of root - end filling materials

  29. 根管倒充填材料生物相容性和边缘密合性的研究

    A Study on the Biocompatibility and Marginal Sealability of Root Canal Retrofilling Materials

  30. 目的探索适合乳牙根管充填的材料。方法用两种根管充填材料对乳前牙进行根管治疗。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of FR paste used for root canal filling of deciduous teeth .