
hé jì
  • calculate;assess;discuss;talk over
核计 [hé jì]
  • [assess;calculate] 审核计算

  • 核计利润

  1. 我们要核计之后才能决定。

    We 'll make a decision after calculating .

  2. 微机在核计数系统中的应用

    Application of microcomputer in nuclear counting system

  3. 我核计了这一切,开始传出搏动以加快生产胃液和唾液。

    I evaluate all this and start sending out impulses to step up production of gastric juices and saliva .

  4. 由于西方国家与伊朗在德黑兰核计化中存在矛盾,原油价格在上周达到了创纪录的每桶高于145美元。

    Crude hit a record above $ 145 a barrel last week on speculation about conflict between the west and Iran over Tehran 's nuclear programme .

  5. 核固红-结晶紫染色观察及固缩细胞核计数结果显示:实验组细胞核有的被染成蓝紫色,染色质凝聚成块状,有的细胞核固缩。

    Nuclear fast red-crystal violet staining and pycnosis cell nuclears counting shows : Some nuclears of the experimental groups were stained purple , which chromatin agglutinated and some were pycnosis .

  6. 压力传感器可用于控制铀离心浓缩,自本世纪初以来,伊朗核计划据信已非法采购了几千部压力传感器。

    Pressure transducers can be used to control uranium centrifuge enrichment , and thousands are thought to have been procured illicitly by Iran 's nuclear programme since the early 2000s .

  7. 例如,如果一家软件公司的目标是在行业内实现最快速成长,那么其主要绩效指标可能是核计年度收益。

    For example , if a software company 's goal is to have the fastest growth in its industry , its main performance indicator may be the measure of revenue growth year-on-year .